Enron Mail

Date:Fri, 3 Aug 2001 04:50:27 -0700 (PDT)

ok- we're playing phone tag. got home fairly early last night-and sober,
might i add- but had left my computer on, and didn't hear the phone- pretty
lame, huh? am now going into overdrive on the paper- or about to. have an
appt w. one of my advisors next week,and need to have approx 15,000 words
(1st 3 chapters) done. i have yet to check out a book (but- damn! this
vacation/ oh, yeah....marathon....to bordeaux will be fab- am making appts
at the coolest wineries and little scenic restaurants!) have perhaps missed
my calling as a travel agent. anyways, will try to call you later- am going
to attempt to remain in the flat w/o distractions all weekend- should be
able to get in touch SOME time....chat soon-

<From: Susan.M.Scott@enron.com
<To: ehillegeist@hotmail.com
<Subject: RE:
<Date: Thu, 2 Aug 2001 14:54:12 -0500
<UGH....sorry i missed your call last night. I can't find your phone number
<either...i'll give you a call if you email it to me. otherwise, just give
<me a call later today.
< -----Original Message-----
< From: "Emily Hillegeist" <ehillegeist@hotmail.com<@ENRON
< Sent: Wednesday, August 01, 2001 3:50 PM
< To: sscott5@enron.com
< Subject:
< ok- am really planning on calling tonight. have to admit, the movies
< tv
< the past two nights have sent niki and i into professional veg mode til
< the
< wee hours....are you going to susan edwards' wedding? i think we were
< all
< invited- hate that i'm going to miss it- think it's going to be fun!
< first
< night bk to boot camp at almost 100%...not bad, but still stuck in the
< beginner's grp. looks like a bunch of people who didn't quite make it
< into
< athletics in jr high....i feel like an olympic athlete in comparison.
< won't
< be such an ego boost to head back to advanced grp and last place in
< every
< wind sprint. am currently watching old ally mc beal re-runs. i REALLY
< like
< that british guy, brian, she dated for a while....damn! he's precious.
< ok-
< mind is wandering. you'll be VERY excited to hear of my latest whim-
< cross
< stitching. but cross stitching w/ a purpose, of course. M & D's 30th
< anniversary is in december, and thought i'd do an anniversary sampler
< for
< it. will prob take me that long just to do the border....ok. am off.
< again- baring any fabulous , unmissable tv options, will try to call
< later!
< e
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