Enron Mail

Date:Wed, 12 Sep 2001 14:59:56 -0700 (PDT)

damn! just got kicked off aol for the umpteenth time today....tried to
figure out this messenger business, but only have aol messenger, i think.
and after all the dissertation-induced computer trauma this last moth,
installing it could prove to be the proverbial straw, you know.....good to
hear about chuck sr. was worried about him when i heard about the missing
planes. am sure both chucks will be ok. gals enron was spared as well, but
what an ordeal. geez. makes becoming a carpenter and living in NB look
reaaaaaly attractive right about now. city, schmitty. a beer out on the
deck rt now would be super cathrtic, i think. i know y'all aren't getting
all the graphic footage there that we are here of the middle eastern
countries' parades and parties in the streets rt now. so unreal and
sickening. how can people be that evil? really sad- you know michael?
loud, london michael? turns out he just flew back here from a meeting mon
morning at the WTC, and his entire US office of cantor fitzgerald was based
on the top 5-10 stories of the WTC. no one has been heard from.
terrifying. it's just so isolated and lonely here rt now. want to be home
so badly, and i get so funky in these kinds of situations: you know, ultra
sentimental and nostalgic and weepy. and matt didn't help- he did one of
those "i'm so worried that our friends/family don't know how loved and
appreciated they are" bits, and that's one of those deep-rooted fears that
you just never want to deal with because we count on lisa to be the
"hallmark" aspect of our grp, and no one else. i chalk it up to a
frightening lack of estrogen amongst us all....either way, not something i
want to start thinking about, b/c it's just opening pandora's box, and can't
stop. still hoping to make it home on fri or sat, and matt said he's going
to houston on fri for a business thing, so maybe we will all get to chill
this weekend if the stars are alligned. have fingers crossed. ok- bk to
the bbc and cking on flight possiblities....chat soon-

<From: Susan.M.Scott@enron.com
<To: ehillegeist@hotmail.com
<Subject: RE:
<Date: Wed, 12 Sep 2001 16:17:48 -0500
<Mine is sscott5_2000. If you go to yahoo's home page you can try to
<install it yourself (eek!!!) or use the search on your computer (go to
<Start..Search...For Files or Folders) and type in Yahoo Messenger. If you
<still have it on your computer it will show up in the search area and you
<can just double click on it...that should bring it up.
<I'm doing alright. And you hit the nail on the head with the Josh
<comment....that's exactly what I've been reminded of. That feeling of
<uncertainty...loss of youthful bravado, sadness, injured sense of
<security...all of it. Everyone in the Scott household is fine. Dad
<actually flew over NY yesterday morning before the first plane hit. He was
<coming from Manchester, NH. He said is was an absolutely beautiful day and
<that they flew right over Central Park...no idea how dramatically that
<skyline would change. The first they heard of the events that they must
<have just missed was when they landed in Nashville. He's still in
<Nashville right now obviously, but he's okay and that's what's important.
<I'm hoping with the limited flights they're allowing that Dad will be able
<to make it back to Houston soon, but it appears the FAA's just trying to
<get the passengers who are stranded back home so he may just be stuck
<somewhere else as a result. Chuck and Chris were supposed to fly out
<tomorrow morning from Seoul but they too have been delayed - indefinitely.
<The Army has put a hold on all duty station transfers which means we have
<no idea when they'll be leaving Korea or where exactly Chuck will be going.
<The stories and connections of the people on the news and those around me
<is horrifying and deeply saddening. A large number of people we do
<business with are based in NY and have lost countless friends and
<colleagues in the WTC's destruction. Chuck has some pledge brother's who
<are working up there, but we've heard that both of them are okay.
<I wish you were back home as well....I was on the phone with my Mom off and
<on all day yesterday and I must say it would've been nice to been back home
<on the couch with her. I did talk to Jen yesterday worried about LA and
<what was going on there, but she was fine as well. She said they'd shut
<down the airport and several major roads surrounding it, but nothing else
<of concern.
<We evacuated the Enron building around 9:30 yesterday morning...it was
<disconcerting. I walked down the 32 flights of stairs to get to my parking
<garage and had only one desire...to get out of downtown. There were rumors
<flying that Houston was another target and given the size of our building,
<our international presence (esp. in regards to oil/natural gas) and our
<CEO's connections to the President...I think everyone figured Enron would
<be a logical target. Fortunately, those fears were unfounded.
<On a lighter note...I'm very anxious to hear all about your marathon
<experience...including the trip there. Sounds like it was a doozey.
<Love ya,
< -----Original Message-----
< From: "Emily Hillegeist" <ehillegeist@hotmail.com<@ENRON
< Sent: Wednesday, September 12, 2001 3:44 PM
< To: sscott5@enron.com
< Subject:
< where are you? it's been ages since i heard from you- are you ok? you
< know
< it makes me nervous when you go AWOL.....matt called this morning and
< sounds really bad. is doing that oh-so-familiar over-analyzing and
< internalizing that would make almost anyone suicidal considering the
< situation. just want to be home so badly. feel so isolated here.
< we
< were all out on the walker's patio now chatting, and i was with mom and
< dad
< and harls. i think that's the only place where i'd feel safe and
< reassured
< and as close to happy as i could be right now. kind of like the way
< everyone described josh's funeral. horrifying, but as good a company
< rebound with as you could find probably. has been such a long and
< draining
< month emotionally and physically, and am just gutted. hope you're a bit
< more
< buoyant rt now han i am. am trying to get home asap, but mom and dad
< don't
< want me to fly. am not worried about it, and am going to try to get on
< first flight possible anyways, so may see y'all soon....pls email and
< let me
< know you're still alive and in proportionally good spirits...
< e
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