Enron Mail

Subject:Weekend Surf 'n Go Specials
Date:Wed, 24 Oct 2001 00:24:45 -0700 (PDT)

Make a Reservation Visit Arizona Visit Arizona America West is o=
ffering free stop-overs in Phoenix through January 15, 2002. While in Phoen=
ix, take a side trip on America West Express anywhere in Arizona for just $=
50 roundtrip. Spend up to five days in Arizona where you can shop, hike, pl=
ay golf or relax at a luxury resort. View the complete terms and conditions=
. Service Resumes to Reagan Nat'l Airport Non-stop service from Phoenix =
and Columbus, OH to Washington, DC (Reagan National) resumes 10/14/01. F=
are Sales Nationwide Fare Sale Take advantage of fares starting at $68 r=
oundtrip between select America West cities nationwide. View Details Mexi=
co Beach Sale America West announces savings to/from select beach destinati=
ons in Mexico. View Details Americawest.com Specials Take advantage of far=
es starting at $60 roundtrip between select America West cities. This week'=
s special highlights many great fares to/from Phoenix. View Details Mileag=
e Specials Join Wyndham ByRequest Wyndham Hotels & Resorts is pleased to=
extend a special offer to FlightFund members from now through December 31,=
2001. Join Wyndham's innovative new guest loyalty program, Wyndham ByRequ=
est, and you'll receive 1,500 FlightFund miles on your next stay at any of =
more than 150 Wyndham Hotels & Resorts after you become a member. Visit www=
.wyndham-byrequest.comfor complete details. Be sure to enter AW under Campa=
ign Code to receive your 1,500 miles. Miles will automatically be credited*=
to your account after your first stay at Wyndham as a ByRequest member. =
Vacation Specials These rates are effective for stay Saturday, 10/20/01 =
through Monday, 10/22/01 and do not include airfare. $65/two nights - Circ=
us Circus, Las Vegas, NV $100/two nights - Riviera, Las Vegas, NV $110/two =
nights - Luxor, Las Vegas, NV $125/two nights - Monte Carlo, Las Vegas, NV =
Book onlineor call America West Vacations at 800- 356- 6611 for details. =
Weekend Surf'n Go Fares This weekend's Surf'n Go Specials include gre=
at low fares to Phoenix, host to the Nascar Winston Cup Seriesand Baseball'=
s World Championship. While in Phoenix, visit Arizona with our special $50 =
roundtrip fares within Arizona on America West Express. You will also find =
other great deals to Phoenix for this fall and winter with our americawest.=
com specialswith fares as low as $60 roundtrip. Fares Departure City Dest=
ination City Cars Hotels $139 Austin, TX Phoenix, AZ NA from $59 $169 Aus=
tin, TX Sacramento, CA NA NA $179 Chicago, IL (O'Hare) Phoenix, AZ NA from=
$59 $89 Columbus, OH Newark, NJ NA from $159 $169 Dallas/Fort Worth, TX =
Phoenix, AZ NA from $59 $79 El Paso, Tx Phoenix, AZ NA from $59 $99 El Pa=
so, TX Ontario, CA 10% NA $69 Las Vegas, NV Ontario, CA 10% NA $79 Las Ve=
gas, NV San Jose, CA NA from $199 $69 Los Angeles, CA Phoenix, AZ NA from =
$59 $239 New York, NY (JFK) San Francisco, CA 10% from $99 $89 Newark, NJ=
Columbus, OH 10% from $65 $99 Oakland, CA Phoenix, AZ NA from $59 $99 On=
tario, CA El Paso, TX NA NA $69 Ontario, CA Las Vegas, NV NA from $49 $139=
Phoenix, AZ Austin, TX 10% from $65 $179 Phoenix, AZ Chicago, IL (O'Hare=
) 10% from $99 $169 Phoenix, AZ Dallas/Fort Worth, TX 10% from $59 $79 Ph=
oenix, AZ El Paso, TX NA NA $69 Phoenix, AZ Los Angeles, CA 10% from $49 $=
99 Phoenix, AZ Oakland, CA 10% from $99 $139 Phoenix, AZ San Antonio, TX =
10% NA $159 Phoenix, AZ St. Louis, MO 10% NA $149 Portland, OR Tucson, A=
Z NA NA $169 Sacramento, CA Austin, TX 10% from $65 $159 St. Louis, MO Ph=
oenix, AZ NA from $59 $139 San Antonio, TX Phoenix, AZ NA from $59 $239 S=
an Francisco, CA New York, NY (JFK) NA from $99 $79 San Jose, CA Las Vegas=
, NV NA from $49 $149 Tucson, AZ Portland, OR 10% from $69 For travel dep=
arting Saturday, 10/27/01 and returning Monday, 10/29/01 or Tuesday, 10/30/=
01. To purchase a Weekend Surf'n Go special fare or make a reservation for =
Thrifty Car Rental or Hilton/Doubletree/Embassy Suites weekend specials, go=
to http://www.americawest.com/specials/sp_emailfares-e.asp Surf'n Go Term=
s and Conditions: Purchase Ticket By: Friday, 10/26/01, 9:00pm PDT Travel =
Outbound: Saturday, 10/27/01 Travel Return: Monday, 10/29/01 or Tuesday,=
10/30/01 Travel On: Flights operated by America West and America West Exp=
ress Purchased Through: americawest.com Ticket Refundability: Non- refund=
able Itinerary Changes: Subject to fare availability, $100 change fee, and =
difference in fare if applicable Minimum Stay: 2 nights Black Out Dates: =
None Routing: Roundtrip only, Routing restrictions may apply Other Discou=
nts: Not combinable with any other discount Seat Inventory: Limited - su=
bject to availability Federal Excise Tax: $2.75 per flight segment. A flig=
ht segment is defined as a take off and landing Passenger Facility Charges:=
Up to $20 per person, depending on itinerary Car Terms and Conditions H=
otel Terms and Conditions America West Vacations Terms and Conditions: Rat=
es quoted are per person, based on double occupancy, and may not apply to g=
roups or during holiday/convention dates as specified by individual hotels.=
Terms & Conditions apply. Prices and offers are capacity controlled and s=
ubject to change; availability is limited. ? 2000 The Leisure Company. CST=
2043556- 20 You have received this message because you subscribed to=
the Surf'n Go messaging service at americawest.com. To unsubscribe to thi=
s weekly mailing, please visit http://www.americawest.com/specials/sp_subsc=
ribe.asp. =09