Enron Mail

Subject:Weekend Surf'n Go Sports
Date:Fri, 22 Mar 2002 19:44:30 -0800 (PST)

Make a Reservation Ticketmaster ticketmaster Ticketmaster has =
tickets to most Surf'n Go Sports events. Visit Ticketmaster.com to purchas=
e your tickets. Surf'n Go members can also take advantage of the following=
Ticketmaster / Surf'n Go Sports special: Ballet Arizona's Swan Lake in Pho=
enix, AZ on 3/30 or 3/31/02. 15% off tickets to select performances. Purc=
hase these special tickets . 3000 Bonus Miles 3000 Bonus Miles For Booki=
ng Online Extended Now you can earn 3,000 FlightFund bonus miles for each =
roundtrip ticket purchased online and flown by 12/31/02. Learn more . Sprin=
g Training Spring Training in Arizona Arizona is the home to Cactus lea=
gue spring training. This year's training runs through Sunday, 3/31/02. Ge=
t away from the daily grind and let America West "take you out to the ball =
game." View Details Wyndham Hotels Need a place to stay after the ba=
seball game? Wyndham Hotels has a room for you. Visit Wyndham Hotels Spri=
ng Training section online and find a great deal on a room close to where y=
our team is playing. Fare Sales [IMAGE] Mexico Sale Save 10% on fares=
to/from all 10 America West destinations in Mexico. View Details americ=
awest.com Sale Head to South Florida with $198 roundtrip fares to/from Fort=
Lauderdale, FL. View Details Night Owl Sales If you like to fly at night=
, here are some great fares between Las Vegas, Los Angeles, San Francisco a=
nd Seattle and select America West destinations nationwide. View Details =
March Madness Sale Looking to travel to Las Vegas during March Madness for =
some men's and women's college basketball championship action? Book your re=
servation at americawest.com and save 10% on all non-stop flights to Las Ve=
gas from Los Angeles (LAX), Oakland, Ontario, Reno, San Diego, San Francisc=
o, San Jose, Sacramento and Orange County. View Details Weekend Surf'n=
Go Sports Fares Travel Dates: 3/30/02-4/2/02 Support your favorite team =
on the road or attend a great cultural event out of town next weekend with =
Surf'n Go Sports. These specials are for events between 3/30 - 4/1/02. =
Professional Baseball (Spring Training) [IMAGE] Event Departure City D=
estination City Fares Cactus League San Francisco, CA Phoenix, AZ $168 =
San Jose, CA Phoenix, AZ $168 Multiple games for Oakland, CA Phoenix=
, AZ $168 the following teams: Denver, CO Phoenix, AZ $198 Col. Spr=
ings, CO Phoenix, AZ $198 Anaheim, Arizona, St. Louis, MO Phoenix, AZ $1=
98 Chicago (AL), Chicago (NL), Colorado, Milwaukee, Oakl=
and, San Diego, Seattle, and San Francisco Colo=
rado at Denver, CO Los Angeles, CA $208 Los Angeles Denver, CO Orange/=
Santa Ana, CA $208 Denver, CO Burbank, CA $208 Denver, CO Ontario=
, CA $208 Denver, CO Long Beach, CA $208 Col. Springs, CO Los Ang=
eles, CA $208 Col. Springs, CO Orange/Santa Ana, CA $208 Col. Spr=
ings, CO Burbank, CA $208 Col. Springs, CO Ontario, CA $208 Col. =
Springs, CO Long Beach, CA $208 Professional Basketball [IMAGE=
] Event Departure City Destination City Fares Dallas at Washington Dall=
as/Ft Worth, TX Washington, DC (DCA) $172 Phoenix at Houston Phoenix, AZ=
Houston, TX (IAH) $298 San Antonio at San Antonio, TX Los Angeles, CA =
$258 Los Angeles San Antonio, TX Orange/Santa Ana, CA $258 San Anto=
nio, TX Burbank, CA $258 San Antonio, TX Ontario, CA $258 San Ant=
onio, TX Long Beach, CA $258 Toronto at Philadelphia Toronto, OT Philade=
lphia, PA $168 National Hockey League [IMAGE] Event Departur=
e City Destination City Fares Colorado at Phoenix Denver, CO Phoenix, AZ =
$198 Col. Springs, CO Phoenix, AZ $198 Columbus at Dallas Columbus,=
OH Dallas/Ft Worth, TX $218 New Jersey at Toronto New York, NY (LGA) To=
ronto, OT $168 St. Louis at Phoenix St. Louis, MO Phoenix, AZ $198 =
Professional Golf [IMAGE] Event Departure City Destination City F=
ares PGA Tour: Los Angeles, CA Houston, TX (IAH) $318 Shell Houston Ope=
n Orange/Santa Ana, CA Houston, TX (IAH) $318 Burbank, CA Houston, T=
X (IAH) $318 Ontario, CA Houston, TX (IAH) $318 Long Beach, CA Ho=
uston, TX (IAH) $318 Cultural Events [IMAGE] Event Departure=
City Destination City Fares David Copperfield Portland, OR Las Vegas, NV=
$188 Ballet Arizona: San Francisco, CA Phoenix, AZ $168 Swan Lake Sa=
n Jose, CA Phoenix, AZ $168 Oakland, CA Phoenix, AZ $168 Denver, CO=
Phoenix, AZ $198 Col. Springs, CO Phoenix, AZ $198 TicketMaster St=
. Louis, MO Phoenix, AZ $198 Surf'n Go Sports Terms and Conditions: Purc=
hase Ticket By: Friday, 3/29/02, 9:00pm PST Travel Outbound: Saturday, 3/3=
0/02 Travel Return: Monday, 4/1/02 or Tuesday, 4/2/02 Travel On: Flights op=
erated by America West and America West Express Purchased Through: americaw=
est.com Ticket Refundability: Non- refundable Itinerary Changes: Subject to=
fare availability, $100 change fee, and difference in fare if applicable M=
inimum Stay: 2 nights Black Out Dates: None Routing: Roundtrip only, Rout=
ing restrictions may apply. Portland, OR to Las Vegas, NV must be nonstop. =
Other Discounts: Not combinable with any other discount Seat Inventory: Lim=
ited - subject to availability Federal Excise Tax: A $3 per flight segment=
Federal Excise Tax will be applied. A segment is defined as a take-off and=
landing September 11th Security Fee: A $2.50 per flight segment September =
11th Security Fee (up to a maximum of $10 per roundtrip) will be applied Pa=
ssenger Facility Charges: Up to $20 per person, depending on itinerary Fede=
ral International Taxes: To/from Canada: $12.40 or 7.5% US intl tax charged=
on arrival and departure from US (based on itinerary) and $6 US immigratio=
n fee. Canada only: NAVCAN surcharge of CAD7.50 each way You have=
received this message because you subscribed to the Surf'n Go messaging s=
ervice at americawest.com. To unsubscribe to this weekly mailing, please v=
isit http://www.americawest.com/specials/sp_subscribe.asp . This e-mail w=
as sent to: sscott5@enron.com =09