Enron Mail

Subject:continental.com Specials for Susan Scott
Date:Tue, 16 Oct 2001 20:43:26 -0700 (PDT)

[IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Wednesday, October 17, 2001 [IMAGE] [IMAGE] =
Specials for Susan Scott [IMAGE] Travel Tools [IMAGE] Book Your Next=
Stay at ORBITZ.COM You know Orbitz has the most low fares - but did you =
know you can find great deals on hotels there, too? Search by "stars," by =
brand, by address. Pick your amenities and get the results you really want.=
Check it out at ORBITZ.COM ! Click for more info Up-To-Date =
Information About Your Continental Travel Plans For all the information y=
ou need to know before you travel, visit our Customer Advisories . =
This e-mail includes: This Week's Destinations , Westin Hotels & Resorts, S=
heraton Hotels & Resorts, Four Points by Sheraton, St. Regis, The Luxury Co=
llection and W Hotels Offers , Hilton Hotel & Resort Offers , Alamo Rent A=
Car Offers , National Car Rental Offers . continental.com Specials Airp=
ort Hubs This Week's Destinations Depart Saturday, October 20 and return=
on either Monday, October 22 or Tuesday, October 23, 2001. Please see the =
Terms and Conditions listed at the end of this e-mail. Purchase continent=
al.com Specials online until 11:59pm (CST) Friday at www.continental.com . =
You can also purchase continental.com Specials for an additional cost of $2=
0 per ticket through our toll-free reservations number at 1-800-642-1617. =
Travel may originate in either city. From/To Cleveland $129 - Milwaukee, W=
I From/To Houston $109 - Alexandria, LA $129 - El Paso, TX $119 - Midland/=
Odessa, TX $149 - New York (LaGuardia only) $129 - Pensacola, FL From/To Ne=
w York/Newark $149 - Greenville/Spartanburg, SC $129 - Norfolk, VA $109 - =
Providence, RI [IMAGE] Partner Hotel Specials Starwood Hotels continent=
al.com Specials Last-minute Weekend Rates from Westin Hotels & Resorts, She=
raton Hotels & Resorts, Four Points by Sheraton, St. Regis, The Luxury Coll=
ection and W Hotels Visit our site for booking these and other Last-Minute=
Weekend Rates for this weekend October 19 - October 23, 2001. promo.starw=
ood.com/csco Connecticut Stamford - The Westin Stamford - $84.00 Stamfor=
d - Sheraton Stamford Hotel - $77.00 Massachusetts Boston - Sheraton Bosto=
n Hotel - $159.00 Needham - Sheraton Needham Hotel - $113.00 New Jersey=
East Rutherford - Sheraton Meadowlands Hotel and Conference Center - $99.=
00 Elizabeth - Four Points by Sheraton Newark Airport - $77.00 Iselin - S=
heraton at Woodbridge Place Hotel - $71.00 Parsippany - Sheraton Parsippan=
y Hotel - $70.00 Piscataway - Four Points by Sheraton Somerset/Piscataway =
- $65.00 Weehawken - Sheraton Suites on the Hudson - $109.00 New York Ne=
w York City - Sheraton Russell Hotel - $179.00 New York City - Sheraton Ne=
w York Hotel and Towers - $169.00 New York City - Essex House - A Westin H=
otel - $228.00 Ohio Cuyahoga Falls - Sheraton Suites Akron/Cuyahoga Falls=
- $99.00 Independence - Four Points by Sheraton Cleveland South - $65.00 =
Rhode Island Providence - The Westin Providence - $136.00 Warwick - Sher=
aton Providence Airport Hotel - $89.00 Texas Houston - Sheraton Houston B=
rookhollow Hotel - $45.00 Houston - The Westin Galleria Houston - $64.00 =
Houston - The Westin Oaks - $70.00 Houston - Sheraton Suites Houston Near =
The Galleria - $71.00 Wisconsin Brookfield - Sheraton Milwaukee Brookfiel=
d Hotel - $49.00 For complete details on these offers, please refer to the=
terms and conditions below. return to top continental.com Specials =
from Hilton Hotels and Resorts Hilton The following rates are available =
October 20 - October 22, 2001 and are priced per night. Cities listed are f=
or the nearest airport, not necessarily for the location of the hotel. Cl=
eveland, OH Hilton Cleveland East/Beachwood, Beachwood, OH. - $109 Housto=
n, TX Hilton Houston Westchase and Towers - $149 Hilton Houston Hobby Airpo=
rt - $109 Hilton Houston Southwest - $99 Doubletree Guest Suites Houston - =
$179 Midland, TX Hilton Midland and Towers - $79 Newark, NJ & New York, N=
Y Doubletree Club Norwalk, Norwalk, CT. - $119 Hilton Hasbrouck Heights, Ha=
sbrouck Heights, NJ. - $149 The Waldorf Astoria, New York, NY. - $219 The W=
aldorf Towers(TM), New York, NY. - $339 Hilton New York, New York, NY. - $1=
79 Doubletree Club Suites Jersey City, Jersey City, NJ. - $129 To book thi=
s week's special rates for Hilton Family Hotels, visit and book at www.hilt=
on.com/en/hi/promotions/valuerates/ . Special rates apply only for the dat=
es listed at each hotel and are subject to availability. Check hilton.com f=
or specific dates at each Hilton Family Hotel. Or call 1-800-774-1500 and a=
sk for Value Rates. Restrictions apply to these rates. return to top Par=
tner Car Rental Specials continental.com Specials from Alamo Rent A Car Ra=
tes listed below are valid on compact class vehicles at airport locations o=
nly. Other car types may be available. Rates are valid for rentals on Satu=
rday, October 20 with returns Monday, October 22 or Tuesday, October 23, 20=
01. Alamo $26 a day in: Newark, NJ (EWR) $18 a day in: Houston, TX (I=
AH) $26 a day in: Providence, RI (PVD) $26 a day in: Cleveland, OH (CLE) =
$26 a day in: Pensacola, FL (PNS) $18 a day in: Milwaukee, WI (MKE) T=
o receive special continental.com discounted rates, simply make advance res=
ervations and be sure to request ID # 596871 and Rate Code 33. Book your re=
servation online at: www.alamo.com or contact Alamo at 1-800 GO ALAMO. If=
you are traveling to a city or a different date that is not listed, Alamo =
offers great rates when you book online at: www.alamo.com For complete d=
etails on these offers, please refer to Alamo's terms and conditions below=
. return to top continental.com Specials from National Car Rental R=
ates listed below are valid on intermediate class vehicles at airport locat=
ions only. Other car types may be available. Rates are valid for rentals o=
n Saturday, October 20 with returns Monday, October 22 or Tuesday, October =
23, 2001. National $28 a day in: Alexandria, LA (AEX) $29 a day in: N=
ewark, NJ (EWR) $21 a day in: Houston, TX (IAH) $23 a day in: Midland/Ode=
ssa, TX (MAF) $21 a day in: Norfolk, VA (ORF) $29 a day in: Cleveland, OH=
(CLE) $19 a day in: El Paso, TX (ELP) $29 a day in: Pensacola, FL (PNS) =
$24 a day in: Milwaukee, WI (MKE) $23 a day in: Greenville/Spartanburg, S=
C (GSP) $47 a day in: New York, NY (LGA) To receive your special cont=
inental.com Specials discounted rates, simply make your reservation in adva=
nce and be sure to request Product Code COOLUS. To make your reservation, =
contact National at 1-800-CAR-RENT (1-800-227-7368), or book your reservati=
on online at www.nationalcar.com . Please enter COOLUS in the Product Rate=
Code field, and 5037126 in the Contract ID field to ensure you get these r=
ates on these dates. If you are traveling to a city or a different date th=
at is not listed, National offers great rates when you book online at: www.=
nationalcar.com . For complete details on these offers, please refer to Na=
tional's terms and conditions below. return to top Terms and Conditions =
continental.com Specials Rules Fares include a $37.20 fuel surcharge. Pass=
enger Facility Charges, up to $18 depending on routing, are not included. U=
p to $2.75 per segment federal excise tax, as applicable, is not included. =
Applicable International and or Canadian taxes and fees up to $108, varyin=
g by destination, are not included and may vary slightly depending on curre=
ncy exchange rate at the time of purchase. For a complete listing of rule=
s please visit: www.continental.com . Terms and Conditions for Westin, =
Sheraton, Four Points, St. Regis, The Luxury Collection, and W Hotels: prom=
o.starwood.com Alamo Rent A Car's Terms and Conditions: www.alamo.com =
National Car Rental Terms and Conditions: Customer must provide Contract=
ID# at the time of reservation to be eligible for discounts. Offer valid a=
t participating National locations in the US and Canada. Minimum rental age=
is 25. This offer is not valid with any other special discount or promotio=
n. Standard rental qualifications apply. Subject to availability and blacko=
ut dates. Advance reservations required. Geographic driving restrictions ma=
y apply. return to top This e-mail message and its contents are copy=
righted and are proprietary products of Continental Airlines, Inc. Any unau=
thorized use, reproduction, or transfer of the message or its content, in a=
ny medium, is strictly prohibited. This e-mail was sent to: sscott5@enron.=
com View our Privacy Policy Unfortunately, mail sent to this address can=
not be answered. If you need assistance please visit www.continental.com/s=
ervice . [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] =09