Enron Mail

To:lisa.a.meador@chase.com, ashley.marynick@chase.com, emily.boon@msdw.com,caycie.c.ayres@accenture.com, sscott5@enron.com, shardie@mail.utexas.edu, edrington@uthscsa.edu, jkbowles@hotmail.com, caramuss@yahoo.com
Subject:hi guys!!
Date:Wed, 23 May 2001 07:09:02 -0700 (PDT)

Just wanted to drop a quick note to tell everyone hello and to let you know
my new contact information. Clay and I are living in my parent's backhouse
(room w/ bathroom and kitchenette over the garage) while we work in Dallas
for the summer. Our number there is 214-691-3638 and Clay's cell is
214-649-6914. My work email is jessica.pulliam@bakerbotts.com and my work
number is 214-953-6532.

Hope you all are doing well--I have had a great first few days of work. But
things have been busy as usual--throwing a 50th Birthday party for my mom on
Thursday--"Come as Jeanie" (the theme is a suprise)--should be pretty
funny!! On a heavier note, my gradmother Mimi (mom's mom) had a stoke on
Monday which left her totally paralyzed on one side and unable to eat. She
decided not to go into the hospital (she hadn't been doing too well) so we
should lose her in the next couple of weeks--I would appreciate very much
your prayers for my family on that front. I am comforted in that Mimi is
still coherent enough to understand what is going on and in that my mom
seems to be at peace with the whole thing.

Anyway, Clay and I are great--we are looking forward to a wild summer and I
hope this note has found you guys doing well.

Much love to you all,