Enron Mail

Subject:GIR PD
Date:Thu, 30 Nov 2000 01:43:00 -0800 (PST)

---------------------- Forwarded by Susan Scott/ET&S/Enron on 11/30/2000
09:43 AM ---------------------------

"Angeles, Zenee G. - TPZGA" <ZAngeles@sempra.com< on 11/29/2000 04:34:14 PM
To: "Alexander, Michael@sce" <alexanms@sce.com<, "Amirault, Paul@AEC"
<paulamirault@aec.ca<, "Bayless, David@Utility" <david.bayless@utility.com<,
"Beach, Thomas@Crossborder" <tomb@crossborderenergy.com<, "Burkholder,
John@cts/whb" <burkee@cts.com<, "Chancellor, Craig@Calpine"
<craigc@calpine.com<, "Counihan, Rick@Green Mountain"
<rick.counihan@greenmountain.com<, "Dasovich, Jeff@Enron"
<jdasovic@enron.com<, "Day, Michael@GMSSR" <mday@gmssr.com<, "Dingwall,
Brian@UEM" <bdingwall@unitedgas.com<, "Elsesser, Evelyn@aelaw"
<eke@aelaw.com<, "Johnson, Pamela@REMAC" <johnson_pamela@lacoe.edu<, "Jun,
Christine@aelaw" <chj@aelaw.com<, "Karp, Joseph@Whitecase"
<karpjos@sf.whitecase.com<, "Keeler, Paul@BR" <pkeeler@br-inc.com<, "Leslie,
John@Luce" <jleslie@luce.com<, "McCrea, Keith@CIG/CM" <kmccrea@sablaw.com<,
"Paul, Joe@Dynegy" <6266273191@messaging.sprintpcs.com<, "Pocta, Mark@ORA"
<rmp@cpuc.ca.gov<, "Porter, Doug@SCE" <porterdk@sce.com<, "Rochman,
Michael@CUB" <rochmanm@cubjpa.org<, "Rochman, Michael@SPURR"
<rochmanm@spurr.org<, "Scott, Susan@TW" <sscott3@enron.com<, "Worster,
Gerard@TXU" <gworster@txuenergy.com<, "Zaiontz, Jean@BP" <zaiontj@bp.com<
cc: "Suwara, J.- TPJUS" <JSuwara@sempra.com<, "Wright, Gillian - TP1GXW"
<GWright@sempra.com<, "Sullivan, Glen J." <GSullivan@sempra.com<

Subject: GIR PD

The GIR meeting to discuss the proposed decision issued on November 21 is
scheduled for Monday, December 4, in Room 2A of The Gas Company Tower at 555
West Fifth Street, in Los Angeles.

The following is the Conference Line information for those who are unable to
attend in person:

??????? Dial In No. 1-877-676-6548
??????? Confirmation code 4455426 (please follow prompts)

Parking validations at the GCT building will be available and lunch is

To assist us in planning, please RSVP to Zenee Angeles via e-mail
(zangeles@sempra.com) or via phone (213/244-3831) on your attendance.

Thank you.