I was wondering if you had fallen off the face of the earth...
It is definitely good to hear from you, I was just thinking about you today
and wondering what you're up to. Things in Houston are pretty good. I went
to San Diego over Labor Day weekend to visit a friend of mine there and just
went to Austin this past weekend for the first UT football game (I know
you're not a big fan but they are very fun). As for work, all is well. I'm
actually going to meet with the development manager for the analyst program
to discuss what my options are after this second rotation is up. Of course
my goal is to do a rotation in London for a year and then get promoted to the
Associate program (so basically I'm going to ask this lady tomorrow what I
need to do to ensure that outcome). Honestly, I think my odds are pretty
Glad to hear everything with you is going so well, not that I'm surprised.
Congrats on the new responsibilites they must be keeping you pretty busy up
there (any trips scheduled to Houston in the near future?).
As for my social life...if you would of asked me a week or two ago I would
have said fantastic, incredible, etc. Now, I just don't know. For the life
of me I am never going to be able to figure out your gender. But as they
say, "Hope springs eternal" and I intend to remain an optimist despite many
road blocks.
Talk to you soon,
Wilson Kriegel@EES
09/11/2000 03:23 PM
To: Susan M Scott/HOU/ECT
Subject: Re: Coming To Houston
So what is going on...
I have not heard from you in a while and i'm wondering how my favorite Enron
"girl" trader is doing, and how the summer has been.
I know a lot has happen, i was hopping that you would bring me up to date
with what is going on with you and work, and your social life. (Yes guys....)
I'm great....great summer. my best friend from france spend 2 1/2 month with
me, (well stayed at my sisters place) and that was a lot of fun.
Work is great, though very strssful and demanding...very nerve recking..but i
love and i'm making my marks where i can, and when i can. You know me.
I'm now Manager of Internet Marketing and Manager of Alliances...that's my
new job also...
NewPower is doing great and you will hear a lot about us in the near
future...Were live, so that's really cool.
Life is great, socialy i'm pleased and i love NY.
Big summer, like a little rock super star...and i've just started working out
again this past week end, after a 3 month brake.
So just rolling along...
What's new
hope your well.