Enron Mail

Subject:Re: What does it really mean to be an altruist?
Date:Fri, 24 Mar 2000 06:45:00 -0800 (PST)

Supposedly my phone is going to be switched over the weekend so I should be
back in the world of reachable individuals next week. I'm glad you
appreciated my observation rather than taking offence. I was afraid after
two weeks of silence I may have pissed you off somehow, in which case that
last email would have
probably been the final nail in the coffin.

As far as the new job goes it is looking very promising. Turns out my trader
went to college with my brother-in-law, sister, and brother so we have too
many mutual connections for him to be mean or rude to me. Even without the
connections he seems like a pretty cool guy and is very supportive of my
learning all I can about his book. Hopefully, after I get the daily routine
down he'll let me sit with him during the down times and watch him work.

You should definitely try and see the film Saturday and even if you can't
pull yourself out of bed you should rent it, I really think you would
enjoy/be inspired by it (at least I am every time I watch it). I hope things
are well with you although I am sensing some disenchantment. If that is the
case I can give you a few tips on how to overcome and once again appreciate
your current position in life. Believe me over the last two months I have
had ample opportunity to do just that. Just let me know if I can return the
favour you once did for me.

Have fun at y'alls Happy Hour tonight.

P.S. How was Canada? I heard through the grapevine you went the other