Enron Mail

Subject:Thought You'd Enjoy This
Date:Thu, 16 Mar 2000 09:39:00 -0800 (PST)


"The Ten Commandments
of a Military Wife"

1.Thou shalt not write in ink in thy address

2.Thou shalt not covet choice assignments of
other uniformed braches of service.

3.Love thy neighbor.

4. Honor thy Commissary and Exchange as long as
they both shall live.

5.Thou shalt not ridicule a local politician,
for mighty senators from local politicians grow.

6.Thou shall look for the best in every
assignment, even though the best may be. "The most childhood
diseases in one year," or "Record snow in one
months time."

7. Thou shall remember all thy friends from all
thy assignments, with greeting cards at Christmas, for
thou never knowest when thou may wish to
spendeth a night with them while enroute to a new post/base.

8.Be kind and gentle to retired, white-haired
Exchange and Commissary customers, because thou too will
be a retiree someday.

9.Thou shalt not curse thy husband when he's on
TDY on moving day.

10.Thou must never arrive at a new post/base
and constantly brag about how everything was much better
at the last post/base.

Author Unknown

Shit: Through the eyes of the Military

*An Army grunt stands in the rain with a 35
pound pack on his back, 15 lb. weapon in hand, after having
marched 12 miles, and says, "This is shit!"

*An Army Airborne Ranger stands in the rain
with a 45 lb. pack on his back, weapon in hand, after having
jumped from an airplane and marched 18 miles,
and says with a smile, "This is good shit!"

*A Navy SEAL lies in the mud, 55 LB pack on his
back, weapon in hand, after swimming 10 miles to shore,
crawling through a swamp and marching 25 miles
at night past the enemy positions, says with a grin, "This
really is great shit."

*A Marine, up to his nose in the stinking,
bug-infested mud of a swamp with a 65 LB pack on his back and
a weapon in both hands after jumping from an
aircraft at high altitude, into the ocean, swimming 12 miles to
the shore, killing several alligators to enter
the swamp, then crawling 30 miles through the brush to assault
an enemy camp, says, "I love this shit."

*The Air Force NCO sits in an easy chair in an
air conditioned, carpeted office and says, "My e-mail's
out? What kind of shit is this?"


The 5 Scariest Things in the Army!

1. A Private saying, "I learned this in basic
2. A Sergeant saying, "Trust me, sir..."
3. A Second Lieutenant saying, "Based on my
4. A Captain saying, "I was just thinking..."
5. And a Warrant Officer chuckling, "Watch this