Enron Mail

Subject:Thought you'd want to read this from Em.
Date:Wed, 6 Sep 2000 06:00:00 -0700 (PDT)

---------------------- Forwarded by Susan M Scott/HOU/ECT on 09/06/2000 12:58
PM ---------------------------

Enron Capital & Trade Resources Corp.

From: "Emily Hillegeist" <ehillegeist@hotmail.com<
09/05/2000 11:00 AM

To: sonderfan@hotmail.com, sscott5@enron.com, kaseywalker@mindspring.com,
arden_ellis@hotmail.com, brittanydoty@hotmail.com, alicecli@hotmail.com,
tpetersen@fulbright.com, lmitchell@akingump.com
Subject: sorry!

ok, i'm still forgetting people, so assure 'the others' i'm not snubbing
them intentionally, i'm just brain dead. haven't gotten a chance to email
often b/c little access to the library, but will as soon as my computer
arrives, and you'll get more 'intimate' (pg-13!) messages when time permits,
until then.....hope all went well over the holiday weekend- no holiday here!
school has started, and so far so good- very interntional class- but
strangely enough, one girl from san antonio who also wants to study art law-
and she wanted to escape " a bunch of incestual girls and guys who will
never leave home and never make new friends- just want to shop, get married,
and have babies" (not you ardie, don't be offended!) i liked her instantly.
still no permanent home.....will keep you posted.....but- bit of adventure
sunday- this stuff NEVER happens to me, so it made my month.
anyways....wandering by myself in chelsea on sunday and stopped to look in a
store window....wasn't paying attention when i turned around and brushed
against someone's shoulder- well- not just someone- BEN AFFLECK! and with
gweneth paltrow (she looked like shit w/ long orange stringy hair and a kind
of whiney, hungry look on her face- he of course looked precious, but was a
little shorter than i'd expected- about 6'2) i can't speak. and the road is
totally empty except us, so i just say excuse me, he says no problem, and
then just wander off, then turn to stare after them. thought about chasing
them down, but realized how lame i already looked, plus, was in gym shorts
and pony tail and ratty sweatshirt, and knew ben COULDN'T realize i was "the
one" in that state....so, i ran to the nearest phone and called my mom.
well, that's about it- again. will write/call when get a spare sec. miss
ya'll- write soon!
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