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Enron Mail |
I tell ya Mo, it's weird.
HOROSCOPE: Weekly For September 25-October 1: Better communication is indicated this week. Issues that have bogged you down are effectively addressed. Don't get up and leave until you get every answer you need. Be direct and honest, without losing your temper. Even if others misbehave, continue pursuing what you believe is right. An agreement is either out of balance or no longer desirable. You CAN make improvements to existing paperwork, contracts, and agreements -- as long as you remain friendly, respectful, and well-prepared. There can be no hostility on your end, or negotiations will break down. Enron Capital & Trade Resources Corp. From: "Emily Hillegeist" <ehillegeist@hotmail.com< 09/25/2000 05:26 AM To: Susan.M.Scott@enron.com cc: Subject: Re: You guys are not going to believe this... puh-lease! i know i just emailed you, but i had to respond. sometimes it's hard for me to email back in a timely manner since, w/o a laptop, i only have computer mon-thurs. sue, PROMISE me you WILL not sacrifice your integrity and allow him to weasle in just b/c he has a guilty conscience. i'm pretty sure you won't, but i'm just imagining as i sit here the stories your mom and dad have to tell.....and that's just the tip of the iceberg!i'm a firm believer in the one strike and you're out thoery, and of course, based on a, his behavior in the last few weeks, b., the sage words of his 'trusty' friend kevin, who DID give your parents the time of day, c., his behavior steak nite, and d., HIS BEHAVIOR!!!!- i'd say he's been benched. i wouldn't rule out an 'explanation beer', but i thinks it's time to lower the blow, so to speak, cut your losses, and run like hell.... e Enron Capital & Trade Resources Corp. From: "Emily Hillegeist" <ehillegeist@hotmail.com< 09/25/2000 04:49 AM To: Susan.M.Scott@enron.com cc: Subject: Re: We have closure! (well, sort-of) i have to admit, when i saw the copyline for this, i began to panic. i pictured you in a drunken about- to-go-over the edge rage....and then ted stumbling onto the scene, and you unloading. however, in lieu of the facts, i'd say this was an unequivicable 'victory', if such a word can be used.... i think it's fair to say that you ended up w/ more on your side of the tug-of-war rope, so to speak. and although it's frustrating to see what once seemed to be 'potential' turn into shit, it's easier to walk away- at least i'd imagine it to be. sounds like you're going to have a whirl-wind trip- guess enron only can open the gates of hell to let you out for brief blocks of time......isn't that kind of like the myth about persephone escaping from hades......? will try to plan a suitable agenda- still in ther 'dazed and confused' period- been more concerned w/ where i can find trash bags than hopping bars so far, but will try to fine tune my skills in the time remaining- must go to class, but will write more later. hate to say it, but you prob. will be saddled w/ a care package for me from mom- will try to make it in the 80lbs or less range....