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-----Original Message----- From: =09Landry, Chad =20 Sent:=09Friday, September 07, 2001 8:41 AM To:=09"Alan <ahdavis (E-mail); "Alexander <SoCalCinephile (E-mail); "Ana <a= lc1122 (E-mail); "Chris <cpc25 (E-mail); "Chris <cpc25 (E-mail); "Corinne <= GIACOBBEC (E-mail); "Dana <danamel (E-mail); "Danny <dannylsu (E-mail); "Da= vid Greenberg (E-mail); "Don landry (E-mail); "donna <dlarmann (E-mail); "J= effrey <jjenkins73 (E-mail); "Julie <jguste (E-mail); "Ken <Kenk (E-mail); = "Ken <kkilinski (E-mail); "laurie <lmb2509 (E-mail); "LD <opossum721 (E-mai= l); "leslie <leslieconwill (E-mail); "Lisa <zolezzi (E-mail); "M <mmitchm (= E-mail); "Mark <mlandry (E-mail); "Michael <mdurr1 (E-mail); "Mike <mikebb = (E-mail); "Nicholas <Nicholas.Danna (E-mail); "paula <pjrangel (E-mail); "R= ita <stick522 (E-mail); "stacey <cajunqueen74 (E-mail); "stacy <srhughes24 = (E-mail); "Tibby" <tibby (E-mail); <8775186145 (E-mail); Amy <abaier (E-mai= l); Anthony" "Zolezzi (E-mail); Bert" "Turner (E-mail); BGuilba (E-mail); B= randon Cambre (E-mail); Bret" "Turner (E-mail); Brian <maziarz (E-mail); br= ooke e.baiamonte (E-mail); Brooke <bferber2001 (E-mail); Brother <brotherh = (E-mail); Caroline Straatmann (E-mail); Carrey <carrey21 (E-mail); Chris <c= piacun (E-mail); Christian <cgener1 (E-mail); Cori landry_nyc (E-mail); Cor= innegiacobbe (E-mail); Dana <danamel (E-mail); Danatra (E-mail); Dave estor= ge (E-mail); Debradland (E-mail); dmayley <dmayley (E-mail); DWillou925 (E-= mail); Ebarri3 (E-mail); FIJI4x4 (E-mail); Jacques Peltier (E-mail); Jeffre= y" "Jenkins (E-mail); Jennifer "Mayfield (E-mail); Jessinbr (E-mail); Jill = <jilallen (E-mail); Jonathan Matessino (E-mail); Joseph" "Piacun (E-mail); = Kanzelmo75 (E-mail); KBBLSU (E-mail); Klandry47 (E-mail); Klandry (E-mail);= KrisLandry317 (E-mail); Kristin Landry (E-mail); Kristy" "Jambon (E-mail);= Kristy" "Jambon (E-mail); Ktlmsp (E-mail); Lcentol (E-mail); Liev <lievt (= E-mail); Michael "Landry (E-mail); Michael Ecklund (E-mail); michele <miche= le (E-mail); Mitch (E-mail); MLandry863 (E-mail); Nanan Scott (E-mail); Nic= holas Danna (E-mail); Opossum721 (E-mail); Porteoust (E-mail); RBur332650 (= E-mail); Rclcerf (E-mail); Ryan "Flanagan (E-mail); Ryan" "Casey (E-mail); = Sarah "Tankersley (E-mail); SHAWN" "DARRAH (E-mail); shirley s.elliott (E-m= ail); SOffner24 (E-mail); Tam" "Clement (E-mail); todd <toddcode (E-mail); = US Houston (E-mail); YOUR MOM (E-mail); 'val.generes@accenture.com'; bballa= y@hotmail.com; Sarah.Beckerman@astrazeneca.com; cpc25@bellsouth.net; nicole= gober@msn.com; srhughes24@hotmail.com; remipm@hotmail.com; adpiacun@yahoo.c= om; Ester719@aol.com; TWillou@aol.com; SWilloughb@aol.com; 'harrisp@fleishm= an.com'; King, John; Plauche, Stephen; Lenhart, Matthew; Bass, Eric; Hull, = Bryan; Gillette, Lisa; Scott, Susan M.; 'lrosche@redpointcommunications.com= ' Subject:=0912th Friday State of the Union Well its been a very long time. A lot has transpired since my last ever-po= pular Friday State of the Union. As usual my friends and I have been up to= no good and, fortunately for you, I am ready and willing to tell you all a= bout it. There are so many people and things to talk about and only one Sta= te of the Union to cover it all. This could be a very rough ride so, as al= ways, Brace Yourself!!! Multiple choice question: Which one of the these airport names does not be= long? A) Reagan International Airport B) Bush Intercontinental Airport C) = JFK Airport D) Louis Armstrong National Airport. Well in case you are stum= ped, here is a little hint: think "Satchmo." Chris Coulon (my political in= sider) told me that the city of New Orleans had narrowed it down to two cho= ices: Edwin Edwards National Airport or Louis Armstrong National Airport. = Well it was a close race but considering Edwin Edwards was convicted last y= ear of numerous counts of bribery and extortion; the City of New Orleans de= cided on Louis Armstrong. So now every time you fly into "Satchmo" make su= re you high-five a friend as you pass that beautiful picture of Chris Owens= and her 60-year old breasts because you are now in New Orleans, a place wh= ere absolutely nothing gets taken serious. Speaking of New Orleans, has anyone read the book Confederacy of Dunces? N= ow that he lives in the French Quarter, Granola Centola truly personifies t= he book's main character, Ignatius Reilly. Just last weekend, while walkin= g back to his apartment from Cat's Meow, Larry felt the need to relieve him= self next to a neighbor's car(what a way to build neighborhood friendships!= ). While in "mid-stream," Larry got picked up by a policeman and dragged o= ff to the Orleans Parish Prison (OPP) for indecent exposure and public drun= kenness. When I asked Larry what it was like to spend the night in the "Bl= ack Bar Hotel" his response was, "It wasn't that bad I talked politics the = whole night with my cell-mates," and he added, "the best thing was that the= y (cell-mates) were all Democrats. Can you believe it?" Yes, Larry, we ca= n believe that all your cell-mates were Democrats.=20 Well if you haven't already heard Shawn (The Wop) has moved back into Beau = Chene College Apartments. This move has made Shawn a target for jokes amon= gst most of our friends. Thankfully, Shawn takes these comments with a gra= in of salt and even recently commented to me that "I (Shawn) love living in= Beau Chene, especially since I have been included in Jeff Jordan's (Landlo= rd's) Monday Night Football parties." Shawn says there is only two require= ments to get into this party: 1) you must be a guy and 2) you must B.Y.O.C = (Bring Your Own Cold Cuts). Shawn says that no one seems to like his ham o= r turkey and that for some reason there tends to be an enormous amount of S= alami at these parties. Shawn says it never fails, whenever Jeff introduce= s him as an old FIJI to someone at the party, the first question is always= "Do you know Nick Nesbit and the Turner Twins?" and the second question is= "Do you like Salami?" Word to the wise, Shawn, you might want to rethink = the meaning of the "C" part in B.Y.O.C. While most of Houston wants the 2012 Summer Olympics in Houston so they can= watch the events, the girl I went on a date with a few weeks ago wants it = to come here so she can compete in the Track and Field Events. Now I am no= t insecure about my manliness, nor do I consider myself out of shape, but a= fter having dinner with the "she hulk" I felt pretty damn wimpy. Thankfull= y, I had my good buddy Lenhart to pick me up from my deep depression. We w= ent out the following Thursday night to Houston's Latest Hot Spot, TACO MIL= AGRO. Since Matt had a very bad case of Laryngitis, we worked as a team; = I talked to all of the girls and Matt just stood there and smiled. Oddly e= nough, we got a ton of girls' phone numbers. Matt couldn't understand it a= nd even boasted about it the next day, "I (Matt) was on fire last night. I= didn't even say one word the whole night and for some reason I got more ph= one numbers than ever before!" Overhearing our conversation, Tim (Paw-Paw)= Blanchard chimed in, "It is not a coincidence, dude." Speaking of Paw-Paw, next Friday Night is Tim's Bachelor Party in Baton Rou= ge. As most of you already know, Tim does not have a spontaneous bone in h= is body, so he took the liberty of e-mailing us his itinerary (See Below!) = for next Friday night's "Festivities."=20 1) 7:37 PM - Kiss Louise goodbye. 2) 8:43 PM - Drink 2.32 beers with everyone at the Sheraton Hotel in Downto= wn Baton Rouge. 3)10:26 PM - Drink 3.7 beers at the Gold Club and tell Landry how I (Tim) a= m not like Lenhart "I (Tim) don't like to get drunk and pick up chicks whil= e hanging out at the Club." (Note: In case you guys forgot Tim used to be a= real partier. That's how he got the name Paw-Paw...) 4)11:47 PM - Watch Larry pass out at Fred's while dancing to Blind Melon as= he proceeds to get into fight with the bouncer. 5)12:56 AM - Do one shot with friends and throw the other two shots on th= e ground when no one else is looking. (Note: I've actually busted Tim usin= g this tactic on several occasions) 6) 1:50 AM - Request "Son of a Preacher Man" at Fred's and look for the cl= osest Phi-Mu to slow dance with to the song. 7) 2:39 AM - Bail-out a half drunk Granola Centola from Jail and when he w= alks out say, "Larry, what the f-ck!?!" 8) 3:27 AM - Kiss Louise good night and dream about the Tigers kicking the = hell out of Auburn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Everyone have a Good Weekend! GEAUX TIGERS! CKL =20