Enron Mail

Subject:FW: NBC Pictures of the Year
Date:Fri, 18 Jan 2002 11:04:28 -0800 (PST)

-----Original Message-----
From: Lisa.A.Thielemann@chase.com@ENRON
Sent: Friday, January 18, 2002 9:31 AM
To: eboon@thlee.com; jkbowles@hotmail.com; thielemannb@epenergy.com; maryrebecca.harp@reliant.com; jflesher@kprc.com; blathram@LMNArchitects.com; sscott5@enron.com; jespulliam@aol.com
Subject: FW: NBC Pictures of the Year

---------------------- Forwarded by Lisa A Thielemann/JPMCHASE on
01/18/2002 09:31 AM ---------------------------

"Dalton, Trish" <Trish.Dalton@chron.com< on 01/17/2002 03:56:11 PM

To: (see below)
Subject: FW: NBC Pictures of the Year


Trish Dalton
The Houston Chronicle
National Account Executive
713 220 2846
713 220 2825 Fax

-----Original Message-----
From: Hope Morales [mailto:hmorales@Salvagesale.com]
Sent: Thursday, January 17, 2002 3:36 PM
To: Ellen Welsh (E-mail); 'carlota81@aol.com'; Leslie Harper (E-mail);
Brooks Young (E-mail); Marty (E-mail); Callie Locke (E-mail); Leigh Harris;
Kayla McCauley; Kim Kadlecek; Gina Csengery; Caroline Hoang; Courtney
Parker; Courtney Runge (E-mail); Courtney Eidman (E-mail); Kelly Russell
(E-mail); 'Harper, A. J.'; Laura Chiles (E-mail); Lindsay Dunlop (E-mail);
'jblaine77@aol.com'; Marilyn Fontana (E-mail); Amy Frank (E-mail); Amy
Stanzel (E-mail); Brinley Wallace (E-mail); Brooke Bailey (E-mail); Claire
Curtin (E-mail); Jenna Bailey Junnell (E-mail); Jennifer Knight (E-mail);
Kari Starr (E-mail); Kathryn McCarter (E-mail); Laura Lawhon (E-mail); Lisa
Lawrence (E-mail); Trish Dalton (E-mail); Garrett Holloway (E-mail);
Torres; Cristina Gossett; Lauren Britt
Subject: FW: NBC Pictures of the Year

<<pic of the year2.pps<< Some of these are amazing....Have a great day!

(See attached file: pic of the year2.pps)
To: "'Jeannie.L.Cooper @Us.Andersen.Com'" <Jeannie.L.Cooper@Us.Andersen.Com< "'Evanlangley @Hotmail.Com'" <Evanlangley@Hotmail.Com<
"'Christy_Nicholson @Providian.Com'" <Christy_Nicholson@Providian.Com< Lisa A Thielemann/Jpmchase @Chase
"'Lindsey.Mathes @Tlp.Com,'" <Stacey.Lane@Lazard.Com Abby_White @Gensler.Com
< Kathrynvanwie @Msn.Com
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"'Ranlewis @Hotmail.Com'" <Ewrommel@Hotmail.Com Escanlan @Alvarezandmarsal.Com

- pic of the year2.pps