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-----Original Message----- From: =09Scott, Susan M. =20 Sent:=09Monday, May 14, 2001 11:07 AM To:=09'"Jon Topolski" <Jon_Topolski@msn.com<@ENRON' Subject:=09RE: a little something to think about I am genuinely flattered that you are asking for my reading recommendations= (not to mention being associated in any way, shape or form with Sam - How = is Sam by the way?) Truth be told, however, of late much of my reading mat= erial has been natural gas related and although the industry is riveting, I= 'm not sure that is exactly the kind of entertainment you had in mind. How= ever, I did read a book a few months ago that you might find rather interes= ting. The title is The Professor and the Madman : A Tale of Murder, Insani= ty, and the Making of the Oxford English Dictionary. I know it may sound a= little dry at first glance, but I actually found it extremely interesting.= If you go to Amazon.com there are reviews on all of the books I've includ= ed here. There are also a couple of other books I'm in the process of read= ing right now: Galileo's Daughter : A Historical Memoir of Science, Faith,= and Love and Eleanor of Aquitaine : A Life. The Galileo book is a little = slow to start, but has tons of interesting historical references, as does E= leanor of Aquitaine. If I remember correctly, you always had a bit of a fo= ndness for history. I also read Memoirs of a Geisha last fall and couldn't= put it down, although I have talked to others who didn't find it as enjoya= ble. Personally, I was completely intrigued by the time period and uniquen= ess of Eastern culture, and the author was meticulous when it came to resea= rch for the book. Hope this helps you out a bit. As for the "Peacers" comment...Definitely t= hink we are tested, but I think the tests are there to force us to recogniz= e our own strength and endurance. Contrary to God not knowing anything abo= ut us, I'm convinced he knows everything about us and has the unique abilit= y to know when we've lost sight of our talents, character and/or zest for l= ife. It is at these moments life seems to hand us the upsets right? But, = in dealing with the upsets we come to a better understanding of who we are = and what we have to offer the world (or on a much smaller scale, what we ha= ve to offer the people around us for whom we care the most). Sorry, I know= I'm getting excessively deep, but I've been doing a heck of a lot of think= ing lately - and much of it at church.=20 Disappointed you won't be able to join the gang in Austin over the fourth, = but we'll be sure to raise our glasses in a toast to you. And, I'll keep l= ooking for you name on the Enron Field scoreboard. Later, Susan -----Original Message----- From: =09"Jon Topolski" <Jon_Topolski@msn.com<@ENRON [mailto:IMCEANOTES-+22= Jon+20Topolski+22+20+3CJon+5FTopolski+40msn+2Ecom+3E+40ENRON@ENRON.com]=20 Sent:=09Friday, May 11, 2001 10:01 PM To:=09Scott, Susan M. Subject:=09a little something to think about Sue- =20 In lieu of my attendance in Austin, I want to know if you have any good boo= ks for me to read. I'm gotten a list from Sam and from a friend at school,= but I thought that you'd have some solid contributions. =20 A theory (for the Prince of Peacers): =20 I debating the concept that we are a gigantic sociological experiment to Go= d. I'm thinking that individually God knows nothing about us, or cares for= that matter. I feel that when he gets tired of watching Jerry Springer re= -runs, he looks down on our little planet form his lay-z-boy and selects on= e of us at random, throws a dose of adversity at us and watches how we hand= le it. Gotta be more entertaining than watching fat half naked people air = their dirty laundry on T.V. Then again maybe not. =20 I hope all is well. Glad you like the new job. =20 JON