Enron Mail

Subject:RE: Easier for EPMI/EES to purchase from industrials
Date:Mon, 30 Apr 2001 12:23:32 -0700 (PDT)

Again...you've got the wrong Susan Scott. You might try sscott3@enron.com.=
..that's the address I use to forward things to her and it seems to be work=


-----Original Message-----
From: =09Nicolay, Christi =20
Sent:=09Monday, April 30, 2001 2:20 PM
To:=09Lackey, Chris; Calger, Christopher; Belden, Tim; Black, Don; Golden, =
Jeff; Pana, Marc; Kaufman, Paul; Comnes, Alan; Alvarez, Ray; Mara, Susan; W=
alton, Steve; Shapiro, Richard; Steffes, James; Hartsoe, Joe; Fulton, Donna=
; Novosel, Sarah; Brown, Jeff; Tweed, Sheila; Yoder, Christian; Hodge, Jeff=
rey; Keller, James; Sharp, Vicki; Ozzie Pagan/Enron@EnronXGate; Lawner, Les=
lie; Werner, Joy; Cordova, Karen; Frank, Robert; Dietrich, Janet; Kingerski=
, Harry; sscott3@enron.com; Presto, Kevin; Duran, W David; jader@enron.com;=
Brown, Michael; Bernstein, Mark; Llodra, John; Scheuer, Janelle; Wood, Geo=
rge; Guillaume, David; Gordon, Joe; splauch@enron.com; Stewart, Jennifer N.=
; Dutta, Tom; Martinez, Posey; Meyn, Jim; Aucoin, Berney; Pearce W Hammond/=
Enron@EnronXGate; Tripp, Garrett; Thompkins, Jason; Wheeler, Rob; Hamlin, M=
ason; ozzie.pagan@enron.com; Kroll, Heather; Fairley, David; Mccormick, Geo=
rge; wjennin@enron.com; Wagner, Joseph; Johnston, Elizabeth; Rust, Bill; Ro=
rschach, Reagan; Cross, Edith; Aucoin, Berney; Bagwell, Jennifer; Braddock,=
Billy; Wang, Steve; ebaughm@enron.com; Clynes, Terri; Dalton III, Oscar; S=
ewell, Doug; kcompea@enron.com; Kelly, Mike E.; Justice, Gary; Hanse, Patri=
ck; Compean, Karla; Stroup, Kerry; Mangskau, Dave; Brown, Jeff; Ballato, Ru=
ssell; Baughman, Don; Lorenz, Matt; Choate, Jason; Valdes, Maria; Kinser, J=
ohn; Makkai, Peter; King, Jeff; Benson, Robert; Sturm, Fletcher; Aucoin, Be=
rney; Morse, Brad; Sager, Elizabeth; Nettelton, Marcus; Gray, Barbara; Mann=
, Kay; Migden, Janine; McNamara, Ron; Steffes, James; Novosel, Sarah; Dadso=
n, Aleck; Allegretti, Daniel; Fromer, Howard; Hartsoe, Joe; Fulton, Donna; =
Hoatson, Tom; Montovano, Steve; Ryall, Jean; Chapman, Tom; Migden, Janine; =
Mangskau, Dave; Staines, Dan; Roan, Michael; Connor, Joe; Stroup, Kerry; Wa=
lton, Steve; Alvarez, Ray; Comnes, Alan; Mara, Susan; Twiggs, Thane; Rodriq=
uez, Andy; Will, Lloyd; Scott, Susan; Nicolay, Christi; Montovano, Steve; R=
obertson, Linda
Subject:=09Easier for EPMI/EES to purchase from industrials

Attached is FERC authorization for EPMI and EES to purchase power from indu=
strials NATIONWIDE (effective March 6, 2001--Does not expire). The industr=
ial does not have to obtain its own power marketer license from FERC (subje=
ct to EPMI and EES making certain after the fact quarterlty filings for the=


Owners of generating facilities located at business locations and used prim=
arily for back-up for self-generation (who will be "public utilities" subje=
ct to the Federal Power Act only while they sell at wholesale) can sell pow=
er at wholesale from such facilities to EPMI and EES without prior notice u=
nder section 205 of FPA (would usually require 60 day advance notice filing=
). =20
=09 -- Waives certain parts of the filing requirements for the industrial; =
however, the industrial will still be subject to shortened filing requireme=
nts for dispositions of facilities and interlocking positions while they ar=
e selling at wholesale.
=09-- EPMI and EES will make the FERC quarterly filings on behalf of the in=
dustrials for any of these purchases. Our report must show the names of th=
e industrial; aggregate amount of capacity and/or energy purchased from eac=
h seller; and the aggregate compensation paid to each seller. Accounting/c=
ommercial folks for EPMI and EES-- please make sure these purchases are fla=
gged in the accounting system, since the report will be separate from our b=
ig quarterly reports.
=09-- This does not authorize the retail industrial customer to violate any=
rules or tariffs of its host utility. This does not authorize an industri=
al to resell power it purchases (only can sell what it generates); unless o=
therwise allowed (or not precluded) by its retail tariff.

West Desk: This is similar to the authorization that FERC gave last week t=
o purchases from industrials in WSCC.

On April 27, FERC issued an order granting EPMI and EES the authority to pu=
rchase power from IPPs at market-based rates. As the attached order indica=
tes, the effective date of the EPMI and EES rate schedules is March 6, 2001=

- ER011394.wpd << File: ER011394.wpd <<=20
- ER011394.doc << File: ER011394.doc <<=20