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Enron Mail |
thanks for the birthday wish. i didn't end up doing anything too terribly exciting. met some friends after work (the monthly dinner group) and then went to pappadeux with mom and grandma. I had a kitchen shower/luncheon and a bar shower/party saturday in san antonio. went out friday night with emily till about 2:30 am...perfect NW houston evening, donaraki (sp?) and Matthias's, got up saturday morning at 6am then drove to SA, out until about 3am saturday night, then up and in austin by 11am...brunch with corey then off to kathy and travis's, left austin around 7:30 and got home a little after 10pm...needless to say i'm exhausted today. as for the job front....i was 1st runner up for the job with Puget. they ended up offering it to a guy with more trading experience (go figure, someone with more than 1 yr of experience..ha), had he turned down the offer i would have been packing my bags but unfortunately for me he accepted. as for ENE, i was offered a position with the new UBS trading organization but decided to decline the offer, i've come to the conclusion that i just need to make a clean break from this place. i'm actually headed to seattle again this thursday to interview with another natural gas company up there. it's a small company (around 450) and the job is for a scheduler not a trader, but i've got a good feeling about the place right now. they strike me as nice people which seems to go a long way these days. so, i'll arrive thursday evening, interview friday and fly back monday...they said they wanted to give me time to explore the city and look for housing etc., which is nice. if all of this works out it looks as though i could be in seattle as early as march...WOW! hope all is still going well with you. i've been so happy to get your emails and know that this experience is turning out to be a good one for you. talk to you soon, Sue btw....i got our deposit back from the apartment complex. i'll just write you a check for your half and drop it off at your mom's house. -----Original Message----- From: "Lisa Gillette" <lisag@kis.ernet.in<@ENRON Sent: Friday, February 01, 2002 1:47 AM To: sscott5@enron.com Subject: Happy 25th! Hey sue, just wanted to wish you a Happy 25th birthday!! I know its a day late. I can't believe its already Feb. 1. Wish I were there to celebrate with you. Did you or are you doing anything exciting? Please send me an email and let me know whats up regarding the job opportunity in Seattle and Enron as well???!! Lisa