Enron Mail

Subject:RE: How are you?
Date:Thu, 31 Jan 2002 07:38:27 -0800 (PST)

This whole experience must be too much fun for you...getting to work with a=
ll these young pilots (any of them single?) and strutting your stuff. =20

The trip to Park City was fantastic. We had some really good meals and man=
aged two solid days of skiing. It dumped 2 feet of snow Sunday night so we=
had tons of powder on Monday to ski through...and to cushion our falls. T=
uesday was absolutely beautiful, sunny but still below freezing. The views=
from a few of the runs at the top of the mountain were breath-taking. Mon=
ique took all the pictures on her digital camera, so as soon as she uploads=
them I'll be able to check them out and order a few. This is my first day=
back at work this week and it looks as though they're moving me to another=
floor pretty soon...too much sensitive information up here I suppose. It'=
s fine though because there are a few others from the trading group who dec=
lined the UBS offer and will be housed on the other floor as well, so I wil=
l have company. I've got a couple other leads to try and track on the job =
front...another company in Seattle and one in Richmond, VA that my old trad=
er Larry told me about. I'm still glad I made the decision I did and am ex=
cited to see where that choice ultimately leads me. Even Tobin (from my fi=
rst group here at Enron) is trying to help my find something in the Pacific=
Northwest. I'm really curious to see what he may come up with since his a=
cquaintances run the gamut in terms of interests and occupations. =20

Glad to hear you're having a good time and helping out in the "effort", and=
I'll talk to you soon.


-----Original Message-----
From: =09coyote <CHARLIECOYOTE@compuserve.com<@ENRON On Behalf Of coyote =
Sent:=09Thursday, January 31, 2002 9:07 AM
To:=09Scott, Susan M.; Susan Scott
Subject:=09How are you?

Suz, I'm using both addresses since I don't know which one is current.
Guess that you had a good time at Monique's and did a little skiing. Hope
that work is going as well as it can under the circumstances. We are
flying and having a good time out here. It's fun to work with the Navy
again. This time it is the carrier Abraham Lincoln and her battle group.
mostly we make attacks on her and fighters like F-14s and F-18's come up
and intercept us. We are carrying electronic pods which jam and deceive
their radars and everybody gets some good training. Yesterday I just got
out to the area which is south of San Clemente island off the coast of
Southern California and had a generator failure. I was with another A-4
and he continued the mission. I went back to Pt.Mugu and jumped into
another airplane and got back out for the second and third runs. The whole
thing just about wore me out but it felt good to get the mission
accomplished. Love, Dad