Enron Mail

Subject:RE: Jennifer's Shower - RSVP
Date:Fri, 12 Oct 2001 14:28:35 -0700 (PDT)

know i'm extremely late on the response...but i'd be thrilled to hit the mucky duck...let me know if there's anything i can do to help out


-----Original Message-----
From: "Sarah Hughes" <sarahreneehughes@hotmail.com<@ENRON [mailto:IMCEANOTES-+22Sarah+20Hughes+22+20+3Csarahreneehughes+40hotmail+2Ecom+3E+40ENRON@ENRON.com]
Sent: Tuesday, September 18, 2001 11:53 AM
To: jbarrett@amigoslink.org; Baxter, Ashley; Sarahberry819@yahoo.com; emily.boon@alumni.utexas.net; rdbowles@hotmail.com; smebs99@hotmail.com; sarah_c_buck@hotmail.com; Ejcarlyle98@aol.com; scazemier@aol.com; rou.chandler@gevityhr.com; TiffanyCornwell@excite.com; Ecozby@msn.com; jdavidso@enron.com; jamdud@hotmail.com; edrington@uthscsa.edu; Clfleming1@aol.com; Nicole2477@aol.com; Allison.M.Gee@uth.tmc.edu; joann_onesheep@juno.com; julianna.grisham@halliburton.com; MaryRebecca.Harp@reliant.com; l.a.heininger@mail.utexas.edu; PatHein@aol.com; jmhoffman21@hotmail.com; sklingler@rfa1.com; jennylally@hotmail.com; nat_gay@yahoo.com; mlou@bofasecurities.com; acmcconn@hotmail.com; aalberty@yahoo.com; JesPulliam@aol.com; janieroark@hotmail.com; sscott5@enron.com; lizzy450@hotmail.com; kstowers@sarofim.com; ashleastu@aol.com; jilltabor@hotmail.com; Lisa.A.Thielemann@chase.com; Votaw, Courtney; Holly.Witter@reliant.com
Subject: Jennifer's Shower - RSVP

Hi Everyone,

Some of you might be aware that we are planning a Bridal Shower for Jennifer
Bowles on Nov 3rd. Invitations have not yet been sent out so don't be
alarmed if you haven't received one.

The shower will be between the hours of 7-9 (maybe 9:30 p.m.) What we were
thinking about doing afterwards is going to the Mucky Duck and catching
Jimmy LaFave, who is performing at 10 p.m. He is one of Jennifer's favorites
and we thought it would be a nice surprise.

What I need is to know is who all would be interested in going to the show?
Tickets are $15 and we need to get them ASAP. It will probably last until

If everyone could please email me back and let me know if you are interested
in going, that would be great.

Please don't mention this to Jennifer, we want to keep it a surprise.

Thank You,

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