Enron Mail

Subject:RE: My New Phone Number
Date:Mon, 17 Dec 2001 09:25:04 -0800 (PST)

hey sarah,

thanks for the update...i was going to let you know that i'm heading out to=
my parents tonight to help decorate the Christmas tree, but maybe i can co=
me by one day this week to check out the house. just let me know what day =
or days would work best for you.

thanks again for thinking of me,


-----Original Message-----
From: =09"Sarah Hughes" <sarahreneehughes@hotmail.com<@ENRON =20
Sent:=09Monday, December 17, 2001 8:52 AM
To:=09adam_kadane@mhhs.org; Amylaneeking@aol.com; asharbino@yahoo.com; apri=
l_rice@hotmail.com; aneary78@yahoo.com; gibby8@hotmail.com; cherylbecker@ho=
tmail.com; chuerta777@hotmail.com; dstepper@na.cokecce.com; dastepper@na.ko=
.com; ggregory@eastland.net; hellcat@sbcglobal.net; jwobbaker@hotmail.com; =
janice@teencbs.org; jeanniempm@aol.com; jkbowles@hotmail.com; jjfathand@hot=
mail.com; jodikayjackson@hotmail.com; john@facsnet.org; john_e_boy22@yahoo.=
com; BURTFISHER32@aol.com; kate@mecgs.org; KIMBO2710@aol.com; Krissy_Leah@h=
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ldnet.att.net; lifeslittle23051@aol.com; paul@justiceseekers.com; treyrea@h=
otmail.com; rebswirl@hotmail.com; raj16@aol.com; SNOWELL@Buchanan.com; step=
hhop@msn.com; Scott, Susan M.; Mlouismartin@hotmail.com; treyharper3@hotmai=
l.com; kruegertyler@hotmail.com; vkerr77@hotmail.com; zhdoss@hotmail.com
Subject:=09My New Phone Number

Hey Everyone,

Just wanted to let you know that my phone number has once again changed. It
is 713-527-0161.

Hope everyone's doing great!


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