Enron Mail

Subject:RE: You want philosophical...you get philosophical
Date:Tue, 8 May 2001 07:59:20 -0700 (PDT)

I think it's supposed to start around 8:30 and the tickets are either $10 or $15...any interest?

-----Original Message-----
From: "Jennifer Bowles" <jkbowles@hotmail.com<@ENRON [mailto:IMCEANOTES-+22Jennifer+20Bowles+22+20+3Cjkbowles+40hotmail+2Ecom+3E+40ENRON@ENRON.com]
Sent: Tuesday, May 08, 2001 9:54 AM
To: Scott, Susan M.
Subject: RE: You want philosophical...you get philosophical

What time is Duncan playing tonight? :o)

<From: Susan.M.Scott@enron.com
<To: jkbowles@hotmail.com
<Subject: RE: You want philosophical...you get philosophical
<Date: Mon, 7 May 2001 12:19:03 -0500
<Don't know what you think, but Duncan Sheik is playing at the Mucky Duck
<tomorrow night...Thurs could work for me too, we'll see.
< -----Original Message-----
< From: "Jennifer Bowles" <jkbowles@hotmail.com<@ENRON
< Sent: Monday, May 07, 2001 9:57 AM
< To: Scott, Susan M.
< Subject: Re: You want philosophical...you get philosophical
< I loved it! Thanks for the "mantra"... very good young Susan, very
< good...
< I would love to get together this week.... what does your's look like?
< Thursday night possibly???
< Thank you too for hanging out with us this weekend... I had a ball
< (which,
< as you know was a pleasant surprise!).... it is always a pleasure my
< dear
< :o).
< AND, thank you for offering wedding help... I may just take you up on
< that
< at some point...
< Love you,
< Jen
< <From: "Scott, Susan M." <Susan.M.Scott@ENRON.com<
< <To: "jennifer bowles (E-mail)" <jkbowles@hotmail.com<
< <Subject: You want philosophical...you get philosophical
< <Date: Mon, 7 May 2001 09:25:06 -0500
< <
< <Okay, you asked for it....
< <
< < The mind I love must have wild places, a
< <tangled orchard where dark
< < damsons drop in the heavy grass, an
< <overgrown little wood, the chance of a
< < snake or two, a pool that nobody's
< <fathomed the depth of, and paths
< < threaded with flowers planted by
< <mind.
< < - - - Katherine Mansfield
< <
< <I absolutely love this quote. It manages to state, significantly more
< <eloquently than myself, my own personal mantra of the last few
< years...I
< <want to be pleasantly surprised. Which is ultimately why I don't see
< it
< <within my power in the near future to settle. Maybe years down the
< road
< <when desperation has set in I'll break down and throw myself at some
< <sub-par individual, but let's hope it never gets to that point or if
< <does that I'm bordering on senile and just don't know any better.
< <
< <Anyway, I'm so glad we got to spend so much time together at Deborah's
< <wedding and I love hanging out with you Mom and Becka (sp?)...they
< crack
< <me up. If there's anything I can do to assist you with this wedding,
< <let me know...even if you just need someone to run errands with or
< <support your ideas. I'd love to get together sometime this week for a
< <drink, coffee, dinner, or whatever if you have any free time. Maybe
< <Lisa would be available as well?
< <
< <Talk to you soon,
< <Sue
< _________________________________________________________________
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