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Enron Mail |
please call...will be leaving in about 15-20 mins. so disregard phone message and call around 11:40 your time.
-----Original Message----- From: "Emily Hillegeist" <ehillegeist@hotmail.com<@ENRON [mailto:IMCEANOTES-+22Emily+20Hillegeist+22+20+3Cehillegeist+40hotmail+2Ecom+3E+40ENRON@ENRON.com] Sent: Monday, May 07, 2001 4:16 PM To: Scott, Susan M. Subject: RE: ok- just got off the phone w/ you- kind of like a 007 conversation. what's with this screening business? am afraid of this enron big brother stuff. am bk on the web trying to plan my next internat'l trip that i can't afford. am absolutely travel ga-ga. must get control. but austria and croatia are calling...as is italy, greece, morocco....aughhh! so good to hear about the old neighbors! was just hinking abou the good old days and the kens. esp. when sabrina shacked up in my bed while i was away. hope the kens are ok- really want to see little, big, and medium ken, as well as sonny. since you are the only responsible texas connection, am putting you in charge of the reunion, ok? do you have ken and doug and taylor's email or #? let me know so we can renew contact. should be worth a few laughs....miss the good old days of ridiculous irresponsibility.....do not know what to say about this lisa situation. am not jazzed about the fact that i can see- and hear- the wheels turning, yet she doesn't have the nerve to LET ME KNOW she'll be staying w/ me.....merci beaucoup. am DEFINITELY going to have drinks w/ her swedish delicacy. prob not good considering the drinking binge i've been on since germany. am suggesting you begin upping the ante while drinking for the next few weeks before you get here. am warning you- it may be ugly. did you get tickets to the eagles? if you don't, you can just chill at the pub or jaunt off w/ an enron person while we're gone and we can meet up later. am going to try to call in an hr if i don't pass out- literally have had 12+ pints, and vision is blurring....if can't chat now, will call tomorrow.... e <From: Susan.M.Scott@enron.com <To: ehillegeist@hotmail.com <Subject: RE: <Date: Mon, 7 May 2001 09:51:57 -0500 < <Em, < <Glad you had such a good time...sounds like Norm may have even had a little <bit of fun? Anyway, must agree on the ex-fianc? front ( I am <understandably nervous about said individual's return to Houston ). Have <to agree on the German beer/food front as well. I loved everything about <that country while I was there, especially the people. They were all so <jolly and round. < <Talk to you soon, <Sue < <Had another pledge sister's wedding this weekend, Deborah Vest, and it was <beautiful of course. Happened to run into Doug George, a.k.a Big Ken, and <he said to say, "hello". He's living in Austin these days and is planning <on going to grad school in a year and a half or so (though hasn't applied <yet). He said he saw T.L. recently in Dallas and Taylor has gained about <40 lbs, gone off his rocker, and is dating a girl who used to have purple <hair...all sufficiently disturbing news. Anyway, maybe we'll be able to <get in touch with Doug if we end up going to Austin while you're in town. < < -----Original Message----- < From: "Emily Hillegeist" <ehillegeist@hotmail.com<@ENRON < <[mailto:IMCEANOTES-+22Emily+20Hillegeist+22+20+3Cehillegeist+40hotmail+2Ecom+3E+40ENRON@ENRON.com] < < < Sent: Saturday, May 05, 2001 1:20 PM < To: sscott5@enron.com < Subject: < < we're back....and have drank more beer and eaten more pretzels than any < human should. have a new appreciation for beer- it may have been the < precious beergardens and fab weather, but am convinced that german beer < is < in another stratosphere than coors light et. al......am not sure it can < be < duplicated at home. beautiful countryside- grt food and weather. the < little cities were straight out of hansel and gretel and the sound of < music. < am still jet lag and confused, but will try to call tomorrow or next < day. < think it may be time to totally nip the ex-finace in the bud, or you < could < be in for a loooong summer....chat soon- < e < _________________________________________________________________ < Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com < < _________________________________________________________________ Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com