Enron Mail

Subject:Re: Any interest?
Date:Tue, 27 Mar 2001 15:54:00 -0800 (PST)

I called and left a message requesting two tickets for the reception...I will let you know if we get them. I'll try and give you a call later today. I'm not actually leaving until Thursday for the Caymans though, so if you're up for steak night etc. Wednesday night let me know. It can't be a late night for packing reasons, but I'd like to do something.


Enron Capital & Trade Resources Corp. From: "Katy Hester" <katyhester@hotmail.com< 03/27/2001 12:26 PM

To: Susan.M.Scott@enron.com
Subject: Re: Any interest?


Sounds good to me! Let me know if you get the tickets. Call me later! If I don't talk to you tonight, have a great time in The Caymans!!

<From: Susan.M.Scott@enron.com
<To: katyhester@hotmail.com
<Subject: Any interest?
<Date: Tue, 27 Mar 2001 09:29:51 -0600
<Hey Katy,
<I was just curious if you had any interest in attending the reception
<below. Sounds like it might be interesting to me. Drop me a line and let
<me know if it sounds like fun and I'll go ahead and get a couple of
<Talk to you soon,
<2001 Museum of Fine Arts, Houston Corporate Partners Spring Reception,
<April 3!
<Be a part of the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston 2001 Corporate Partners
<Spring Reception on Tuesday, April 3 at Law building of the MFA. Enjoy
<great food donated by ARIES Restaurant and The Redwood Grill, free drinks,
<cool art, and good friends. To attend or with questions call (713)

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