Enron Mail

Subject:Re: Fwd: Re: Fwd: hola
Date:Wed, 18 Apr 2001 21:03:00 -0700 (PDT)

I think it's probably a good idea not to contact Eric for a while. Truly what purpose would it serve? As for my work situations, they aren't that exciting but have made for some highly uncomfortable moments for me. I'll tell you about them on my next visit. See, I've already come up with a reason why I have to come back out there. Please don't worry about flapping Sat night. I certainly do not think less of you and completely agree about the life lessons part. To tell the truth, I worry at times that I'm not learning enough of the life lessons...just kind of staying in a very safe, secure place and missing out on a big part of the overall picture. Enough self-analysis. Have a good evening....you should his jazz night at Epizote just for me.


Enron Capital & Trade Resources Corp. From: Julie Gibson <julieg@qualcomm.com< 04/18/2001 04:15 PM

To: Susan.M.Scott@enron.com
Subject: Re: Fwd: Re: Fwd: hola

how fun- i totally forgot that you're off to vegas this weekend! thanks for the input about clint- you're right, and i hadn't realized that i fit his "type" until he defined it. now i know why he's so nice to me! he does know about brendan, of course, but since i don't always behave like i have a boyfriend it's easy for guys to not take him too seriously.....not good. i'm also embarrassed that i flapped away in the car on saturday night- hope you don't think horrible things about me. although it's okay if you do- i think horrible things about myself every now and then! but i always attribute it to the lessons of life.....i'm curious about your work situations- you've never mentioned them. that is truly uncomfortable and i have not had to deal with that here.....

keep me posted on your exciting life! otherwise, i'm doing the right thing to not contact eric, right? so silly for me to ask, but i like being friends with him (probably the flirting is fun), but it's a dead end.....

At 04:00 PM 4/18/2001 -0500, you wrote:

I think there's probably a lot of truth to the Eric theory. The
retaliation/numbing afforded by using people and tossing them aside can be
tempting. My mini-rampage after Ted was totally based upon treating any
representative of Ted's sex like dirt. Fortunately, my behavior was very
short-lived and I completely recognized what I was doing. I wouldn't worry
about the lecturing...it happens when one has a bit to drink (that or just
utter flapping as in my case).

Thanks for the compliments, but I find it's easy to be around all of your
friends...that whole like attracts like thing. As for the email from
Clint, he's a cutie. Speaking from experience I'd watch myself if I were
you though...the flirtation is fun and harmless at this point, but I get
the impression that you're just Clint's type and unless you have reciprocal
interest I would just guard against things getting to be too flirtatious.
However, if there's part of you that is curious, like I said, I think he's
a great guy. Okay, enough of my lecturing (I've just been caught in
couple of situations at work where someone decides to confess their
feelings to me and I'm forced to tell them I just don't feel the same
way...something that's hard for them to grasp given the fact that some
flirting at some point did occur).

Well, I'm off to Vegas this weekend. My guess is I won't be getting much
sleep. Oh well, life is tough.


(Embedded Enron Capital & Trade Resources Corp.
image moved
to file: From: Julie Gibson
pic30524.pcx) <julieg@qualcomm.com<
04/18/2001 02:31 PM

To: "sscott5@enron.com" <sscott5@enron.com<
Subject: Fwd: Re: Fwd: hola

hey susan- thought you'd appreciate this funny email from Clint in
London.... so in brief, my new theory is that eric gomez has had his heart
broken (per "Someone Like You") and therefore must act like a slut to
ignore the pain. Heather and I ran that theory past Randall last night at
the padres game.....i am slightly mortified at how i lectured eric on
saturday. at first he thought it was sweet because it demonstrated that i
do care about him (on some level), but as i drank more i LECTURE more,
until he finally started walking away from me! how embarrassing! i am
totally embarrassed that i wouldn't shut up! even more surprised that eric
sent me the email on monday. i didn't see it until tuesday since i didn't
work monday, but am bummed because i called him monday evening to get eric
ang's phone number.....silly concern, but he probably thinks i was calling
just to get in touch with him. now i will totally not make contact with
him- not even respond to his email...don't need to overinflate people's

i would love if you came back to visit at some point in the next 5 or so
months!! i love that you have so much fun here, and everyone always
comments on how cool you are and how easy you are to be around.....everyone
would be thrilled to have you back! (me especially!) i'll watch for good
fares, too!

write back whenever you can....talk to you soon-

X-Sender: cmcclell@adept.qualcomm.com
X-Mailer: QUALCOMM Windows Eudora Version 5.0
Date: Wed, 18 Apr 2001 04:41:25 -0700
To: Julie Gibson <julieg@qualcomm.com<
From: Clint McClellan <cmcclell@qualcomm.com<
Subject: Re: Fwd: hola

thanks! tell them that i had a great time, also. i will be back friday
afternoon. i may need to hang out at the beach to recover from the jet lag.
jeff was very curious and mentioned to a colleague in london that i had
very good company at the beach. i assured him that you were not married--
he was confused by your ring-- and so was i when i first saw you cruising
the halls. he thought we must be dating but i straighted him out. told him
that you were all over me at the beach after he left (just kidding!)

so are you taking friday off?

At 10:54 AM 4/17/2001 -0700, you wrote:
HI Clint-

Wanted you to read this thank you from Eric- they have told me repeatedly
over the phone what a great time they had meeting you and hanging out. I
think Heather and I are trying to get people together to hang out this
Friday on the beach, potentially....when do you return from London? have
you gotten hell regarding the beach encounter on saturday?

I had such a blast this weekend- thanks again for letting us invade your
home! next time we will not destroy your place- we'll keep it confined the

see you when you get back-

From: "Eric Gomez" <gomezer@psi.com<
To: "Julie Gibson" <julieg@qualcomm.com<
Subject: hola
Date: Mon, 16 Apr 2001 11:09:42 -0700
X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook 8.5, Build 4.71.2173.0
Importance: Normal


Thanks for letting us hang out with you on the beach Sat. It was good to
see you. All your friends are very cool. Say thanks to Clint for me if
get the chance. We didn't last much longer that night, thank goodness.
I hope you had a nice Easter. Other than the Lakers beating the Blazers it
was a pretty boring day. Not to mention I was brain dead from the pickling
the two days before.
Have a good week.
