Enron Mail

Subject:Re: Fwd: Whats Up?
Date:Mon, 26 Mar 2001 16:08:00 -0800 (PST)

Have to agree with your assessment. And, I promise she will try like the d=
ickens to do stuff with Niklaus (sp?) maybe at the expense of doing things =
with you. Mitch is the guy she's been seeing for about a month now. He ca=
me over last night to watch the Oscar's with us. Me in a wing-back and Lis=
a and Mitch holding hands, rubbing arms etc., on the couch. This is the se=
cond time I can recall since being in the apartment with her that I've had =
to witness the "cuddle fest." Not to mention the "cuddle fest" we all witn=
essed with Chad at Europa. Maybe if she does come over you could be the li=
ttle red devil on her shoulder encouraging her to hook up with Nik...force =
her to make some sort of decision about all these guys. She's in heat righ=
t now I swear. Every 5 sec. there's some new guy she thinks is hot. The g=
uy serving us at Jason's Deli might be the next victim. She's totally out =
of control. I must say I loved the way she casually suggested the Nik prob=
ably wasn't your type anyway...covering all the bases. It's really pitiful=
you know...I'm just glad we will never have the same taste in men. Did I =
mention that Laura White's fiancee asked Laura what was going on with Mitch=
and I at Kenneally's b/c I was spending more time with him than Lisa (she =
was of course performing the role of social butterfly). Like I said, it's =
pitiful. In actuality, I think I'm the only one of her "friends" that have=
met Mitch and think he's all right I'm pretty sure everyone else has told=
her they think she can do better. I beg to differ, knowing Lisa a little =
better than them (i.e. the many faces of eve) and would argue instead that =
he's a pretty good catch for her...caves eventually but not perceived (at l=
east by her) as a complete push-over. Perfect combo for our Ms. Gillette.

Can you believe my parents? They were only in San Diego for all of 12 hrs =
and took a roll of film...what dorks.


I'll work on the trip thing...the timing sounds good to me.

=09Enron Capital & Trade Resources Corp. From: "Emily Hillegeist" <ehille=
geist@hotmail.com< 03/26/2001 11:58 AM=09

Subject:=09Fwd: Whats Up?

would think this email was to organize a trip to london- but nooooo...it's =
"hands off" warning instead. and admittedly, the bit about "trusting me to
honor" pulls at me and w/ anyone else, i'd snap into good behavior mode, bu=
then i step bk and realize how sneaky and evil (hel-lo? who is mitch? doe=
she have dibs on him as well? how many 'dibs' are we allocated? let me
know when you get the scoop...)what nerve! as for the 1 line about coming
to london, katy isn't coming mid may- she's coming at the end-begin. of
june, which is much better for me, too- have school full-time til last week
of may....so, i vote you send her mid may, then come w/ kates at the end of
the month. and, gee- do tyou think i can predict her visit? let's see-
it'll be convenient and cheap to stay w/ me....but- perfect timing for her
to show up at my doorstep, get her extra key, then jaunt off to 'secure' he=
position w/ mr.dibs....not that i'm complaining- just horribly offended tha=
she thinks i'm so dense as to not be able to see- and hear- her large, slow=
unoiled wheels a-turning....! aughhhhh! see below, obviously....

<From: Lisa.Gillette@enron.com
<To: ehillegeist@hotmail.com
<Subject: Whats Up?
<Date: Mon, 26 Mar 2001 10:19:11 -0600
<how are things? i was hoping to give you the latest news, but hear katy
<has already let you in on the new swedish cutie roaming the streets of
<london. i know susan has already warned you that i have dibs on him, so i
<am trusting you to honor that. however, i dont think that will be a
<problem - i think you will find him physically attractive, but maybe
<nothing more than that. he's kind of dopey and doe-de-doe. you either
<enjoy hes weird charm or are completely annoyed by it. anyways- i hear
<tobin is visiting, hows that going? i am hoping to come in mid may if tha=
<works for you. i am going to try to get susan to come along as well, but
<let me know what your plans look like for the next couple of months.
<talk to you later,

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