Enron Mail

Subject:Re: Nothing bad...
Date:Thu, 19 Apr 2001 14:23:00 -0700 (PDT)

The email was titled "nothing bad..." so you wouldn't immediately trash it =
for fear I was dispensing some more of Susan's homespun wisdom. I know you=
can't get enough of that stuff. As for the revenue generation, I've heard=
what a boon the Ag group has been to EGM. From what I understand you guys=
are carrying the rest of that company on your backs...keep up the good wor=
k! And yes, the world you live in does revolve around you Ted, it's just t=
hat no one else lives in that world besides you so it stands to reason that=
would be the case. Your welcome for the email. I really am happy for you=
that things seem to be going well and that you appear to be enjoying what =
you're doing (I haven't heard any of the "when I grow up I want to be a ...=
.." comments out of you in a while, a sure sign of contentment and maturity=
- okay burgeoning maturity). In regards to trading, I am absolutely lovin=
g it. I've been on EOL for a little over a month now (although my trades g=
o into one of the other trader's books for the time being...I should get my=
own in a couple months) and am really enjoying the new life/perks this job=
allows. Case in point, took my Mom to see Hakeem's last game with the Roc=
kets on one of the brokers (center court seats...she was thrilled) and am o=
ff to Vegas this weekend to "meet" with some of the power traders from Port=
land. So much for the 16-18 hour days I was dealing with for a year or so =
there...given present circumstances it was all worth it.

No need to "let me of the hook" for my candor last night, I meant everythin=
g I said and I wanted you to hear those things. In a quest to be an oh so =
witty smart-ass, sometimes I forget to just tell people what I think/feel..=
.always catches up to me in hind-sight and if the opportunity presents itse=
lf for me to rectify that then I don't believe in passing it up. Contrary =
to what you may think, I'm a big girl who thinks for herself and always act=
s on her own volition. And I think I either mumbled last night or your hea=
ring is starting to go in your old age, but I said "clod" not "god"...subtl=
e but important difference.


- You missed an impressive dancing display at Sierra's last night...I think=
I may have frightened some people.

Ted Noble
04/19/2001 10:06 AM
To:=09Susan M Scott/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject:=09Re: Nothing bad... =20

Why would you have to title an email "nothing bad...". Personally, I was d=
isappointed I wasn't promoted to MD because I have brought in so much reven=
ue for Enron and as we know the entire world revolves around me. Thanks on=
the email and how is trading going? Also, I appreciate your candor last n=
ight (you didn't think I would let you off the hook completely did you) and=
thanks for calling me a god. It was flattering.=20

Susan M Scott
04/19/2001 07:53 AM
To:=09Ted Noble/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject:=09Nothing bad...

Congrats on the promotion. I was a little suprised it was only to manager.=
..I remember you saying something once about jumping straight to Director. =
All things in due time, right?

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