Enron Mail

Subject:Re: mark your calendar!
Date:Mon, 23 Apr 2001 19:20:00 -0700 (PDT)

Congrats!....Lisa told me the good news last night. Can't wait for the big=
day, I know you guys will be very happy together.


=09Enron Capital & Trade Resources Corp. From: Laura Jahnke <ljahnke@aero=
tek.com< 04/23/2001 03:47 PM=09

Please respond to ljahnke@aerotek.com
To:=09Ash Mace <ashley.a.mace@williams.com<, susan <susan.s.edwards@us.pwcg=
lobal.com<, Katie Allison <KAllison@StageStores.com<, Katy Hester <katyhest=
er@hotmail.com<, Stephanie Webb <SW13@hou-metro.harris.tx.us<, "Kelbarker@a=
ol.com" <Kelbarker@aol.com<, Laura White <LWhite@StageStores.com<, "Lisa.Gi=
llette@enron.com" <Lisa.Gillette@enron.com<, Kasey Walker <kaseywalker@mind=
spring.com<, Jennifer Houghton <jlh4801@aol.com<, "Jeff Ridlen (E-mail)" <j=
mr8189@hotmail.com<, "'pauline3333@hotmail.com'" <pauline3333@hotmail.com<,=
"'trishtamu@aol.com'" <trishtamu@aol.com<, "Dark-Machen, Dusty" <Dark-Mach=
en@anntaylor.com<, "'diana.dooley@headhunter.net'" <diana.dooley@headhunter=
.net<, "'mandytravis_@hotmail.com'" <mandytravis_@hotmail.com<, Amanda Calh=
oun <Alc@triadresources.com<, "brenda.corcoran@bakerhughes.com" <brenda.cor=
coran@bakerhughes.com<, "Courtnie.Parker@enron.com" <Courtnie.Parker@enron.=
com<, "ChrisMandy@altavista.com" <ChrisMandy@altavista.com<, Cinco Houghton=
<cinco_eddy@hotmail.com<, "Corinne_Connally@Dell.com" <Corinne_Connally@De=
ll.com<, Emily Hillegeist <ehillegeist@hotmail.com<, elaina5@hotmail.com, s=
scott5@enron.com, Dennis and Kandi <dennisjamesfamily@yahoo.com<, "Cook, Pr=
esident" <Reedcook@hotmail.com<, "Houghton, Michael" <mikeybuns@aol.com<, "=
Houghton, Ted" <ted4@msn.com<, "Lodge, Sarah" <lodgesarah@hotmail.com<, "Ma=
rtinez, Rosa" <rmartine@option-one.com<, "Pettey, Bryant" <brpettey@yahoo.c=
om<, "Petty, Craig" <boss@hal-pc.org<, "Price, Russell" <rsprice1515@hotmai=
l.com<, "Saumweber, Les" <LSaumweber@msn.com<, "Singer, Allison" <Sonnyblon=
d@aol.com<, "Simon, Andrew" <asimon@aerotek.com<, smonson330@hotmail.com
Subject:=09mark your calendar!

Hi Guys-
I just wanted to let you all know that Jaron finally popped the
question! Of course, I said yes and we are just so excited! We will be
very busy these next few months, but wanted to let everyone know that
the date will be August 11. I know it seems soon, but we have been
doing a little planning and are ready to start our new lives together.
So, if possible-save the date! We would love to have you join us. Take
care and talk to you soon!!