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September 2000 CONTENTS: 1. A.Word.A.Day in Media 2. How Many People Receive A.Word.A.Day 3. New Countries/Domains on the List 4. Email Address of the Month AWArD 5. Credits 6. Administrivia ------------------------------ 1. A.Word.A.Day in Media A.Word.A.Day has been featured in the following places since the last update. If you have noticed it somewhere not listed below, please drop me a line at anu@wordsmith.org. o The Mercury (Australia), Aug 2, 2000 o The Louisville Courier-Journal, Aug 14, 2000 o The San Jose Mercury News, Sep 17, 2000 ------------------------------ 2. How Many People Receive A.Word.A.Day Over 320,000 people in more than 189 countries receive AWAD daily. The following table shows the distribution of addresses by domain name. This table, with the flags of these countries, can be seen at: http://wordsmith.org/awad/stats.html Domain Count % Domain Description com 191809 59.8399 Commercial net 42452 13.2440 Network edu 25402 7.9248 Educational org 7337 2.2890 Non-Profit Organizations us 5963 1.8603 United States ca 5352 1.6697 Canada kr 5126 1.5992 South Korea au 4215 1.3150 Australia uk 3615 1.1278 United Kingdom in 2800 0.8735 India gov 2671 0.8333 Government de 1576 0.4917 Germany mil 1445 0.4508 USA Military jp 1421 0.4433 Japan cn 1305 0.4071 China pl 1284 0.4006 Poland za 1196 0.3731 South Africa br 1188 0.3706 Brazil nz 991 0.3092 New Zealand sg 987 0.3079 Singapore tw 947 0.2954 Taiwan es 643 0.2006 Spain it 619 0.1931 Italy fr 604 0.1884 France il 587 0.1831 Israel se 543 0.1694 Sweden mx 522 0.1629 Mexico my 490 0.1529 Malaysia ru 425 0.1326 Russian Federation ie 357 0.1114 Ireland vn 343 0.1070 Vietnam nl 326 0.1017 Netherlands id 309 0.0964 Indonesia ch 302 0.0942 Switzerland ar 299 0.0933 Argentina hk 266 0.0830 Hong Kong tr 263 0.0820 Turkey be 252 0.0786 Belgium no 249 0.0777 Norway th 229 0.0714 Thailand fi 202 0.0630 Finland ae 202 0.0630 United Arab Emirates dk 193 0.0602 Denmark pk 161 0.0502 Pakistan ph 158 0.0493 Philippines hu 145 0.0452 Hungary co 130 0.0406 Colombia cz 123 0.0384 Czech Republic at 114 0.0356 Austria gr 110 0.0343 Greece ua 97 0.0303 Ukraine int 86 0.0268 International ro 82 0.0256 Romania fm 77 0.0240 Micronesia pt 76 0.0237 Portugal pe 76 0.0237 Peru sk 73 0.0228 Slovak Republic sa 68 0.0212 Saudi Arabia om 60 0.0187 Oman yu 60 0.0187 Yugoslavia cl 57 0.0178 Chile ve 56 0.0175 Venezuela lt 50 0.0156 Lithuania tt 50 0.0156 Trinidad and Tobago lb 44 0.0137 Lebanon bg 42 0.0131 Bulgaria ne 41 0.0128 Niger si 39 0.0122 Slovenia bm 39 0.0122 Bermuda cr 39 0.0122 Costa Rica hr 39 0.0122 Croatia bh 38 0.0119 Bahrain ir 35 0.0109 Iran uy 34 0.0106 Uruguay lk 32 0.0100 Sri Lanka np 30 0.0094 Nepal su 30 0.0094 Former USSR ee 30 0.0094 Estonia cu 28 0.0087 Cuba bw 27 0.0084 Botswana lv 27 0.0084 Latvia is 26 0.0081 Iceland to 24 0.0075 Tonga eg 24 0.0075 Egypt nu 23 0.0072 Niue mr 21 0.0066 Mauritania am 20 0.0062 Armenia zw 18 0.0056 Zimbabwe mt 17 0.0053 Malta cc 17 0.0053 Cocos (Keeling) Islands bf 17 0.0053 Burkina Faso lu 15 0.0047 Luxembourg ec 15 0.0047 Ecuador na 15 0.0047 Namibia fj 15 0.0047 Fiji do 15 0.0047 Dominican Republic jm 15 0.0047 Jamaica cy 15 0.0047 Cyprus lc 14 0.0044 Saint Lucia ma 14 0.0044 Morocco bs 14 0.0044 Bahamas ke 14 0.0044 Kenya qa 13 0.0041 Qatar jo 13 0.0041 Jordan ba 12 0.0037 Bosnia-Herzegovina fo 12 0.0037 Faroe Islands cm 11 0.0034 Cameroon kh 11 0.0034 Cambodia bo 10 0.0031 Bolivia sn 10 0.0031 Senegal vi 9 0.0028 Virgin Islands (USA) as 9 0.0028 American Samoa ge 9 0.0028 Georgia gy 9 0.0028 Guyana py 8 0.0025 Paraguay mk 8 0.0025 Macedonia kw 8 0.0025 Kuwait mu 8 0.0025 Mauritius zm 8 0.0025 Zambia ky 7 0.0022 Cayman Islands ng 7 0.0022 Nigeria hn 7 0.0022 Honduras by 7 0.0022 Belarus bj 6 0.0019 Benin mg 6 0.0019 Madagascar mo 6 0.0019 Macau ml 6 0.0019 Mali md 6 0.0019 Moldova ag 6 0.0019 Antigua and Barbuda gn 6 0.0019 Guinea gt 5 0.0016 Guatemala cx 5 0.0016 Christmas Island kz 5 0.0016 Kazakhstan cd 5 0.0016 Congo ad 5 0.0016 Andorra az 5 0.0016 Azerbaijan gh 4 0.0012 Ghana pa 4 0.0012 Panama ni 4 0.0012 Nicaragua sz 4 0.0012 Swaziland ci 4 0.0012 Ivory Coast (Cote D'Ivoire) mz 4 0.0012 Mozambique ug 4 0.0012 Uganda bn 4 0.0012 Brunei Darussalam et 3 0.0009 Ethiopia uz 3 0.0009 Uzbekistan gi 3 0.0009 Gibraltar nc 3 0.0009 New Caledonia (French) pg 3 0.0009 Papua New Guinea ye 3 0.0009 Yemen tg 2 0.0006 Togo pr 2 0.0006 Puerto Rico gm 2 0.0006 Gambia li 2 0.0006 Liechtenstein td 2 0.0006 Chad tz 2 0.0006 Tanzania ms 2 0.0006 Montserrat kg 2 0.0006 Kyrgyzstan je 2 0.0006 Jersey ws 2 0.0006 Samoa bb 2 0.0006 Barbados tc 2 0.0006 Turks and Caicos Islands an 2 0.0006 Netherlands Antilles tm 2 0.0006 Turkmenistan ga 1 0.0003 Gabon sy 1 0.0003 Syria gs 1 0.0003 S. Georgia and S. Sandwich Islands mv 1 0.0003 Maldives al 1 0.0003 Albania mn 1 0.0003 Mongolia mm 1 0.0003 Myanmar dm 1 0.0003 Dominica pf 1 0.0003 French Polynesia bz 1 0.0003 Belize sr 1 0.0003 Suriname dz 1 0.0003 Algeria aw 1 0.0003 Aruba ------------- Total 320537 ------------- In addition to the above list of countries, AWAD's readership includes: Angola (ao) Anguilla (ai) Bangladesh (bd) Belize (bz) Grenada (gd) British Virgin Islands (vg) British Indian Ocean Territory (io) Haiti (ht) Malawi (mw) Rwanda (rw) Comoros (km) Antarctica (aq) Saint Kitts and Nevis Anguilla (kn) Northern Mariana Islands (mp) Guam (gu) Marshall Islands (mh) French Guiana (gf) Saint-Pierre and Miquelon (pm) El Salvador (sv) These places do not appear in the above table because the subscribers use addresses with a different domain. If you are from a country not listed here, drop me a line at anu@wordsmith.org and I'll add your country to this list. Stats on Address Lengths: Mean : 20.134 Median : 19 Mode : 18 Standard Deviation : 4.540 Longest address : 117 characters, I_cant_believe_people_make_up_such_long_addresses_just_to_get_honorably_mentio ned_in_the_AWAD_monthly_email@phord.com (Phil Hord) Shortest address : 6 characters, s@s.to (Stonewall Ballard) ------------------------------ 3. New Countries/Domains on the List Syria (sy) Welcome aboard! ------------------------------ 4. Email Address of the Month AWArD This month the AWArD goes to: killmenow@positive-thinking.com (Sari) If you know of an unusual email address that is funny or clever, you are welcome to send your nomination to anu@wordsmith.org. ------------------------------ 5. Credits o AWAD is created by Anu Garg (anu@wordsmith.org). o Tip o' the hat to Todd J. Derr (tjd@wordsmith.org) for care and feeding of the computer that houses the wordserver, and keeping it smoothly running (thus providing an exception to Murphy's Law). o Thanks to Stuti Garg (stuti@wordsmith.org) of Namix (http://namix.com) for recording word pronunciations in her melodic voice. o Thanks to Emery Reiff (emery@wordsmith.org) copy editor par excellence, for making sure all i's are dotted and t's crossed. o Thanks to Lernout & Hauspie Speech Products N.V. (http://www.lhsl.com) for permission to use the American Heritage Dictionary, 3e., in AWAD. Their lawyers have asked us to add this: The American Heritage(R) Dictionary of the English Language, Third Edition Copyright 1992, 1996 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Used with permission from Lernout & Hauspie Speech Products N.V. All rights reserved. o Thanks to Northern Light Search (http://www.northernlight.com/) for assistance with citation research. o Special thanks to all the linguaphiles who have joined and made the list what it is. ------------------------------ 6. Administrivia For press and other inquiries, please contact sureg@wordsmith.org. How to join A.Word.A.Day, sign-off, etc.: Subscribe: http://wordsmith.org/awad/subscribe.html Unsubscribe: http://wordsmith.org/awad/unsubscribe.html Address Change: http://wordsmith.org/awad/address-change.html Gift subscription: http://wordsmith.org/awad/gift.html AWADtalk Bulletin Board: http://wordsmith.org/board Word list: http://wordsmith.org/awad/wordlist.html Archives: http://wordsmith.org/awad/archives.html Search: http://wordsmith.org/awad/search.html FAQ: http://wordsmith.org/awad/faq.html If you don't have web access, send a blank message with the word "help" in the subject line to wsmith@wordsmith.org to get the email command list for the resources mentioned above. A.Word.A.Day ISSN: 1524-6884 -- Anu Garg anu@wordsmith.org anugarg@acm.org http://wordsmith.org/anu (AWAD.20000925.249162.001.969893215)