Enron Mail

Subject:A.Word.A.Day--bad hair day
Date:Mon, 25 Jun 2001 21:02:09 -0700 (PDT)

bad hair day (bad hair day) noun

A day when everything seems to go wrong.

[Extension of the literal meaning of the term bad hair day, a day when one's
hair is, well, hairy.]

"Having survived the first ugly rumours of Friday, September 11 - which
really was a bad hair day for Dickie - he must have thought that the
worst was over. Unfortunately, he was dead wrong as the share price
continued to crumble."
Ian Kerr, A Week in the Markets, Euroweek (London), Oct 9, 1998.

This week's theme: new words in the OED.

Kings stand more in need of the company of the intelligent than the
intelligent do of the society of kings. -Saadi, poet (1184-1291) [Gulistan]

Ralph Waldo Emerson once said, "Language is a city to the building of which
every human being brought a stone." Invite your friends and family to join
in the quest by sending a gift subscription of A.Word.A.Day. It is free!
