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Subject:A.Word.A.Day--fifth column
Date:Sun, 13 May 2001 21:02:32 -0700 (PDT)

fifth column (fifth KOL-uhm) noun

A group of traitors acting in sympathy with their country's enemies.

[From Spanish quinta columna, from the column of supporters that General
Mola claimed to have in Madrid while he was leading four columns of his
army to invade the city during the Spanish Civil War.]

"I shudder to think what future generations may say about our obsessions
with Area 51, alien abductions, astrology, `X-Files' Web sites, black
helicopters and interplanetary fifth columns in league with the CIA."
John McDonough, Today's Audiences Are Just as Gullible As Orson Welles's,
The Wall Street Journal, Oct 31, 2000.

"Everybody line up alphabetically according to your height." These words of
Casey Stengel (1891-1975), U.S. baseball player and manager, sum up nicely
the deep human need to arrange things in order, to sort, classify, and
enumerate them. This week we'll see phrases that characterize concepts, in
descending order from fifth through first. -Anu

I am not sincere, even when I say I am not. -Jules Renard, writer

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