Enron Mail

To:holden.salisbury@enron.com, mark.fischer@enron.com, tom.alonso@enron.com
Subject:FW: Transmission Demand Charge
Cc:virginia.thompson@enron.com, cara.semperger@enron.com
Bcc:virginia.thompson@enron.com, cara.semperger@enron.com
Date:Fri, 3 Aug 2001 14:02:06 -0700 (PDT)

Below confirms that the transmission deals in April did calculate the correct
Demand Charge even though it created 3 strips.


-----Original Message-----
From: Kraltchev, Nikolay
Sent: Friday, August 03, 2001 1:45 PM
To: Dunton, Heather
Cc: Smith, Will
Subject: RE: Transmission Demand Charge


This particular Transmission deal is basically 1 strip of a 1 month long deal.
It has been broken into 3 strips because of the daylight savings in April.
The demand Charge Frequency is MW per Month -- That means that Demand Charge Price (1,330) will be applied only once for the entire time of flow (4/1 to 4/30)
The Demand Charge Volume is 50.

The Demand Charge Price (1,330) will be applied to the Demand Charge Volume (50).
So the final Demand Charge will be:
1330 * 50 = 66,500


-----Original Message-----
From: Smith, Will
Sent: Friday, August 03, 2001 12:01 PM
To: Kraltchev, Nikolay
Cc: Luu, Duong
Subject: FW: Transmission Demand Charge


Please investigate how the PCS calculates demand charges for Transmission deals. Let me know what you find.


-----Original Message-----
From: Dunton, Heather
Sent: Friday, August 03, 2001 9:51 AM
To: Smith, Will
Subject: Transmission Demand Charge

Will I don't know if you are the person to ask - but I thought I would start with you.
I have a Transmission deal 539126 which was entered w/ a Demand Charge.
Frequency: MW Month
Demand Charge: 1330

The deal was for April 1-30.
Since the Strip was for April under PPT Enpower created 3 strips
1) 4/1/01 - 4/1/01 HE1-2 50mw Demand Charge: 1330
2) 4/1/01 - 4/1/01 HE4-24 50mw Demand Charge: 1330
3) 4/2/01 - 4/30/01 HE1-24 50mw Demand Charge: 1330

Everyone was worried that this would take the 3 strips and calculate the demand charge for each strip.
It appears this did just calculate one strip: so 1330 * 50 = 66,500
It was assumed this deal was going to calculate (1330 * 50) * 3strips = 199,500

Will what are your thoughts on how the monthly demand charge would calculate.
Do you think it will just take the mw value of one of the strips and calculate the monthly demand charge?

Thanks for your help on this,

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