Enron Mail

Subject:Answers to Frequently Asked eSpeak Questions
Date:Sun, 26 Mar 2000 22:13:00 -0800 (PST)

Listed below are some of the questions that the eThink Team receives=20
frequently - with their answers. We appreciate your interest and=20
participation in eSpeak, and hope that this document helps with any=20
outstanding questions you may have.

I barely have enough time during my workday to fit in most of my meetings, =
how can I participate in an hour-long eSpeak session?
We understand Enron's pace, which is exactly why we created the following t=
If you have a question for a particular host, you can pre-submit a question=
as soon as their announcement appears on the site at ethink.enron.com. We=
try to post this information at least one week in advance.
You can also read any of the transcripts following an eSpeak event by=20
clicking on the "Archives" button on the bottom right hand corner of the=20

How do I pre-submit a question?
Go into eSpeak and find the announcement of the host that you wish to send =
question to.
Click on the "Enter Here" button below the host's information.
Click on the "Ask a Question" button, which will then prompt you to enter=
your user name and password.
After entering your user name and password, a text box will appear on your=
Enter your question in the text box and then click on the "Send" button.

Do I have to log in to view an eSpeak event even if I don't want to ask a=
No. You are only required to log in if you will be asking a question.

How do I sign up on eSpeak to ask a question?
When you click on the "Ask a Question" button, you will be prompted to ente=
your user name and password.
If you have not previously signed up, click on the "New User" button. You=
will be prompted to enter your email address and operating company.
A user name and password will be automatically sent to your email address.
Use the specified user name and password to log onto the site. (The easies=
way to do this is to copy and paste the password from your email.)
You will be immediately prompted to change your password once you are in=20

Can offices outside of Houston also participate in eSpeak?
Absolutely! This site was created for every Enron employee around the=20
globe. It is available for every employee that has a browser and has acces=
to the Enron network. You can enter eSpeak through the eThink site directl=
at ethink.enron.com or from the Enron intranet (home.enron.com). We try to=
schedule most events at a time that captures the majority of our domestic a=
international offices =01) but have included several options (see first=20
question) to ensure that employees worldwide can participate.

If you still need help or have additional questions, please send us an emai=
at ethink@enron.com. This FAQ sheet is also available on the eSpeak site -=
just click on the "Help" button.