Enron Mail

Subject:Delta III Documents - Amendments to Delta Notes and Forms of Cons
Date:Thu, 17 Aug 2000 01:41:00 -0700 (PDT)

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X-From: Sara Shackleton
X-To: Mary Cook
X-Folder: \Sara_Shackleton_Dec2000_June2001_1\Notes Folders\All documents
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----- Forwarded by Sara Shackleton/HOU/ECT on 08/17/2000 08:41 AM -----

Mark Taylor
08/16/2000 08:47 PM

To: Sara Shackleton/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: Delta III Documents - Amendments to Delta Notes and Forms of Cons
ent Thereto

----- Forwarded by Mark Taylor/HOU/ECT on 08/16/2000 08:47 PM -----

08/15/2000 08:51 PM

To: amanda.angelini@ssmb.com, rick.caplan@ssmb.com, steve.incontro@ssmb.com,
doug.mcdowell@enron.com, craig.clark@enron.com, ryan.siurek@enron.com,
gareth.bahlmann@enron.com, clint.walden@enron.com, kevin.d.jordan@enron.com,
mark.taylor@enron.com, carol.stclair@enron.com, brent.vasconcellos@enron.com,
annmarie.tiller@enron.com, Kimberly.r.Scardino@us.arthurandersen.com,
Fcochran@velaw.com, acurry@velaw.com
cc: FPuleo@milbank.com, EMoser@milbank.com, MMottesi@milbank.com,
JFalzon@milbank.com, MDunn1@milbank.com
Subject: Delta III Documents - Amendments to Delta Notes and Forms of Cons
ent Thereto

??????? Please find attached, for your review, Amendments to each of the
currently outstanding Delta Notes, together with forms of Consent to such
Amendments. These Amendments are needed in order to ensure that the Delta III
transaction does not violate the negative covenants of the oustanding Delta
Notes. Note that I have also attached a blacklined document with respect to
each Amendment (the current version blacklined against a composite document)
in order to highlight the alterations made to the definitions in each of the
Delta Notes.

??????? Please note that these documents remain subject to further internal
review.? The Remainder of the Delta III documents will follow.

??????? Please direct questions or comments regarding the attached documents
to Mike Dunn at (212) 530-5435.? Best Regards.

<<Yosemite III - Delta - Citibank Consent to Amendment No. 1 to Delta Note
2.DOC<< <<Yosemite III - Delta - Citibank Consent to Amendment of Delta
Note 1.DOC<< <<Yosemite III - Amendment No. 1 to Delta Note dated

? <<Yosemite III - Amendment No. 2 to Delta Note dated November 18,
1999.DOC<< ????? << Yosemite III - (Blackline)Amendment No. 2 to Delta Note
dated 11.18.1999.rtf<< ???????? <<Yosemite III - (Blackline) Amendment No. 1
to Delta Note dated 2.23.2000.rtf<<

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- Yosemite III - Delta - Citibank Consent to Amendment No. 1 to Delta Note
- Yosemite III - Delta - Citibank Consent to Amendment of Delta Note 1.DOC
- Yosemite III - Amendment No. 1 to Delta Note dated 2232000.DOC
- Yosemite III - Amendment No. 2 to Delta Note dated November 18, 1999.DOC
- Yosemite III - (Blackline)Amendment No. 2 to Delta Note dated
- Yosemite III - (Blackline) Amendment No. 1 to Delta Note dated