Enron Mail

Subject:Your participation in the Wholesale Market Implementation (MAE)
Date:Wed, 14 Jul 1999 10:39:00 -0700 (PDT)

-- -------------------- Forwarded by Andrea Bertone/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT on=20
07/14/99 05:39 PM ---------------------------

Luiz Maurer
07/02/99 08:56 AM

Subject: Your participation in the Wholesale Market Implementation (MAE)


Voc pode conversar hoje . tarde???Antecipando, segue um resumo do assunto. =
Estamos vislumbrando sua ?participa??o principalmente no Grupo Legal??LM?--=
-------------------- Forwarded by Luiz Maurer/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT on 07/02/99=
?09:03 AM ---------------------------???Luiz Maurer?06/24/99 04:51 PM?To: =
Lindolfo Ernesto Paixao/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT?cc: ??Subject:=
Your participation in the Wholesale Market Implementation (MAE)??REVISADO?=
---------------------- Forwarded by Luiz Maurer/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT on 06/24/=
99 ?05:24 PM ---------------------------???Luiz Maurer?06/24/99 02:46 PM?To=
: Lindolfo Ernesto Paixao/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, ?sassad@elek=
tro.com.br, joaoalb@elektro.com.br@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT?cc: ??Subject: Your p=
articipation in the Wholesale Market Implementation (MAE)??MAE detailed imp=
lementation is gaining momentum. Given the breadth and scope ?of the requir=
ed efforts, several Task Forces have been created or are about ?to be creat=
ed. ??The Task Forces are in general responsible for further detailing the=
market ?rules and/or project management of specific implementation efforts=
. Some of ?those task forces are joint ONS-MAE efforts.?? Regulatory Affair=
s from both Enron and Elektro has participated in some of ?the Task Forces,=
but many of them are not being covered. We think Enron ?should have a broa=
der coverage in more ot the workstreams. However, ?Regulatory Affairs does =
not have sufficient resources to participate more ?actively in all the requ=
ired workstreams.??Broader participation is important for three reasons:??a=
) It is easier to influence and change directions at the early stages of th=
e ?process?b) The Technical Commitee does not have a good coordination mech=
anisms across ?all Task Forces. Unless one participates directly, we lose=
touch with the ?subjects being discussed?c) It is an opportunity to get in=
close contact with ONS - Enron does not ?have a seat at the ONS Board??The=
refore, we are requesting your support to help Enron participate more ?acti=
vely, by assigning specific professionals from your departent to the Task ?=
Forces more related to your current or future responsibilities. We assume ?=
that the average workload is about 1 day a week for each Task Force.??The P=
roject Charters and responsibilities are described as follows. As an ?initi=
al thought, we think the most relevant groups are: ??1) Trading - "b", "l"?=
2) Legal - "d", "m"?3) Integrated Projects - "a", "f", "n"?4) Elektro - "b"=
, "f", "g"??Once we have a few suggested names, Regulatory Affairs will be =
in charge of ?making sure the participants "hit the ground running" and for=
coordinating ?the efforts across teams. ??a) Optimization and Pricing Mode=
ls (led by Sheilly Contente - Coelba) - It is ?a joint task force (MAE-ONS)=
, examining in detail all existing and future ?optimization models (most of=
them "black boxes" produced by CEPEL). Those ?models will also be key to s=
et the MAE spot price on a half-hourly basis. ?Jos, Lucio Reis is participa=
ting. ??b) AMPs (Authorized Market Procedures) - (led by Alexandre Magno - =
Cachoeira ?Dourada) - it is a Task Force working with PriceCoopers to detai=
l all future ?procedures to be used by the MAE. Those procedures include Co=
ntract Register, ?Data Submission, Energy Accounting, and many others. This=
group is also ?examining the interim procedures to be adopted as soon as t=
he MAE starts to ?develop the settlement and accounting functions (formerly=
developed by GCOI). ?this Task Force is responsible for updating the GCOI =
rules, taking into ?acount the breakdown of the supply contracts into T and=
G components (Initial ?Contracts) and some other recommendations on settle=
ment being made by ANEEL. ?Enron has had an ad hoc participation in some me=
etings. This is an area ?particularly important to the Trading activities.?=
?c) Implementation - (led by Jean Thebault - Light) - This Task Force is ?=
examining the overall work plan to implement the MAE, to make sure all the =
?pieces fit together. MAE implementation requires a good orchestration betw=
een ?MAE Rules, ONS System Development, Metering and Metering Protocols, ?A=
ccounting and Settlment Systems and many others. There is a general feeling=
?that many of those pieces are dangling. Dates and responsibilities are al=
so ?very fragmented. No one from Enron is participating.??d) Legal (led by =
Rosane Magalh?es - CERJ) - this task forces examines all ?legal and tax as=
pects on the MAE implementation. It also supports other task ?forces, when =
legal issues are involved. Currently, no one from Enron ?participating. We =
think that having a lawyer from Enron or Elektro engaged in ?this Task Forc=
e is essential.??e) Capacity Fee (led by Luiz Maurer - Enron) - this Task F=
orce is further ?detailing the implementation of this subject, already appr=
oved by COEX. Work ?involves the setting of a capacity fee for peaking plan=
ts, as well as the ?establishment of criteria on who should pay, who and ho=
w should receive. ?CEPEL and PSRI have been hired to support the quantitati=
ve analysis. Fred ?Sampaio (Elektro) has also participated ??f) MAE Algebr=
aic Rules (led by Sureck - Gerasul) - this Task Force has ?examined in deta=
il the MAE algebraic rules proposed by Price Coopers and ?proposed some mod=
ifications. This task force is now also involved in ?proposing how the Init=
ial Contracts energy should be profiled on a ?half-hourly basis. Luiz Maure=
r has participated in the initial phased, in ?charge of examining the propo=
sed the rules for International ?Interconnections. Fred Sampaio is now the =
Enron representative.??g) Allocation of Transmission Surplus - (led by Paul=
o Born - Metropolitana) - ?this Task Force need to quantify the US$ volumes=
involved in the surplus and ?propose ways to distribute it. Some general g=
uidelines have already been ?proposed while the Initial Contracts are effec=
tive. No guidelines exist ?afterwards. Initial analysis revealed that a lot=
of money may be at stake, ?and generators are eager to use those funds to =
limit their contract risk ?exposure. No one from Enron is participating.??h=
) MRE (Energy Reallocation Mechanism) - (led by Sylvia Celestino - Furnas) =
- ?The purpose of this Task Force is to work on the details of the MRE. For=
?example, how the assured energy and the secondary energy will be profiled=
?over time and compared to the Initial Contracts. Subject is important for=
?hydro generators (or to assess the value of hydro generation). No one fro=
m ?Enron is participating in this Task Force.??i) Demand Side Bidding - (l=
ed by Ana Pimenta - Light) - the purpose of this ?Task Force is to evaluate=
and expand the proposals made by Price Coopers ?regarding the participatio=
n of large users in the MAE price setting process. ?The Task Force has als=
o considered the possibility of creating additional ?market rules to foster=
the demand side management. No one from Enron is ?participating.??j) Cost =
of Capital - (led by Danilo Dias - BNDES) - this Task Force is ?reviewing t=
he traditional 10% discount rate used by the electric sector, and ?developi=
ng sensitivity analysis on the impact of higher rates on the ?optimization =
decisions. Kleinworth Benson and CEPEL have been hired to ?support the effo=
rt. Luiz Maurer is participating.??k) Cost of Rationing - (led by Wellingto=
n - ANEEL) - this Task Force is ?reviewing the traditional cost of energy d=
eficit used by electric sector, ?which is currently US$ 540/MWh. Studies ar=
e being developed to define the ?energy deficit as a step function, whose c=
ost of deficit will depend on the ?magnitude of the energy rationing. CEPEL=
has been hired to support the ?quantitative analysis. The group will also =
tangencially revisit the Value of ?Lost Load (VLL) which is a key parameter=
to calculate the capacity fee. No ?one from Enron is currently in this tas=
k force.??l) Financial Settlement - (led by Gilberto Pimenta - CEMIG) - thi=
s Task Force ?has to make interim and definitive recommendation on how the =
financial ?settlement should occur. The possibility to use financial instit=
utions as ?clearing agents has been examined and in principle the idea look=
s attractive. ?Special efforts are being assigned to the interim period - a=
s of Oct 01, all ?the accounting and settlement has to be developed by ANEE=
L. This Task Force ?is related to Task Forces "b" and "c". Therefore, it ma=
y be relevant to ?Trading as well??m) Chain of Accountability - (led by Fre=
d Sampaio - Elektro) - this joint ?Task Force, involving ABRADE, MAE, ONS, =
ABRAGE and others has the ?responsibility to better define accountability i=
ssues in case of failure. It ?has provided inputs to the Initial Contracts =
and to the Transmission ?Contracts as well.??n) Optimization and Pricing Pr=
ocedures (led by Miranda - Chesf) - this Task ?Force has the objective of a=
nalyzing and double checking the assumptions used ?to run the optimization =
and pricing models. Discount Rate, expansion plan, ?plant comissioning date=
s and expected delays are being revised. This group ?has a strong interface=
with Task Force "a" ???In additon to those Task Forces (I hope I did not m=
iss any), there are also ?some ad-hoc efforts, such as MAE Budget, a Task F=
orce to hire consultants to ?develop MAE processes and systems, and a few o=
thers. Those are important ones ?as well, but they have basically being dis=
cussed at the Technical Commiitte ?level - (Where both Enron and Elektro ha=
ve participated)????LM???????