Enron Mail

To:barbd@andrews-kurth.com, dguest2@andrews-kurth.com, lowed@andrews-kurth.com,mcfam@andrews-kurth.com, poppt@andrews-kurth.com, rembm@andrews-kurth.com, sargp@andrews-kurth.com, welmm@andrews-kurth.com, esantos@baylbny.com, bill.w.brown@enron.com, bre
Date:Wed, 12 Apr 2000 04:36:00 -0700 (PDT)

Attached in WordPerfect are blacklines of the final forms of the following
documents marked to show changes from the March 30 versions. These documents
have been agreed to by Mayer Brown. (Please note that these same documents
will follow in Word by separate email).

1. Subscription Documents (234556);
2. Swap Confirmation (235317);
3. Form Swap Confirmation (233288);
4. Trust Agreement (232340);
5. Facility Agreement (232330);
6. Put Option Agreement (535217);
7. Asset LLC Agreement (232928);
8. McGarret I LLC Agreement (235313); and
9. Drawdown Request (235066).

Deborah Lowe
Andrews & Kurth L.L.P.
1717 Main Street, Suite 3700
Dallas, Texas 75201
(214) 659-4427
(214) 659-4401 (Fax)

- 535217.wpd
- 232340.wpd
- 232928.wpd
- 233288.wpd
- 234566.wpd
- 235066.wpd
- 235313.wpd
- 235317.wpd
- 232330.wpd