Enron Mail

To:sara.shackleton@enron.com, mark.taylor@enron.com, carol.clair@enron.com
Subject:RE: Inquiries and Suggestions
Date:Mon, 7 Aug 2000 07:23:00 -0700 (PDT)

See below. I will keep an eye out for availability of the electronic format
of ISDA. I thought it would be helpful to new attorneys in working through
the various definitions and use within the docs. Mary
----- Forwarded by Mary Cook/HOU/ECT on 08/07/2000 02:22 PM -----

Corrinne Greasley <CGREASLEY@isda.org<
08/07/2000 01:39 PM

To: "'mary.cook@enron.com'" <mary.cook@enron.com<
Subject: RE: Inquiries and Suggestions

Dear Ms. Cook;
Thank you for your inquiry into ISDA documentation. ISDA is in the process
of making its documentation available electronically. We hope to have this
project completed by the end of the year. Please continue to check our web
site for an announcement of its release.

Corrinne Greasley

-----Original Message-----
From: aa000593@www1.aa.psiweb.com [mailto:aa000593@www1.aa.psiweb.com]
Sent: Friday, August 04, 2000 4:50 PM
To: cgreasley@isda.org
Subject: Inquiries and Suggestions

From: Mary Cook Senior Counsel
Firm: Enron North America Corp.
Email: mary.cook@enron.com
Telephone: 713 345 7732
Fax: 713 646 3490

Can I obtain by electronic email the ISDA Credit Support Annex 1994 (New
York Law) and the ISDA Master Agreement 1992 Multicurrency--cross border?
This will allow us to avoid an original type of the agreements. For
training new attorneys we want search capability with respect to usage of
definitions and the like. Thank you for your attention to this matter. If
charges to our account are necessary, please advise and I will get

Mary Cook