Enron Mail

Subject:Re: Autex London
Date:Wed, 11 Oct 2000 01:32:00 -0700 (PDT)

FYI-just keeping you in the loop.
---------------------- Forwarded by Laurel Adams/HOU/ECT on 10/11/2000 08:27
AM ---------------------------

John Greene
10/11/2000 05:41 AM
Sent by: John Greene
To: Julie Pechersky/HOU/ECT@ECT
cc: Laurel Adams/HOU/ECT@ECT, Judi Hemsley/LON/ECT@ECT
Subject: Re: Autex London


I just spoke to Emma Clasby (011-44-207-369-7307) at Autex re: the
installation on my desktop in London. I gave her your name and number to
help coordinate this install. Apparently the setup here will be the same as
the setup in Houston. In other words no new permissioning, contracts, etc.
will be required. As the app is on the network in Houston I would think it
would be fairly easy to "recreate" the script or whatever it is to work in
London. I will leave all that in your capable hands.

For your information, I have now had Win 2K installed and am using it almost
exclusively. Therefore, you may need to direct the Autex people to the Win
2K rollout team (I've been working with Judi Hemsley) to get it on my
desktop. Also, for your information, there are apparently still issues with
Reuters Kobra so I have had to get Bridge Telerate installed and it appears
to be working fine in the Win 2K environment.

Please let me know if and when you hear from Emma and/or if anyone wants to
discuss any of this further.

Thanks and regards,
---------------------- Forwarded by John Greene/HOU/ECT on 11/10/2000 11:34

John Greene
13/09/2000 12:40
To: Julie Pechersky/HOU/ECT@ECT, Laurel Adams/HOU/ECT@ECT

Subject: Re: Autex London


I just spoke with Neil Allen regarding getting Autex installed here in
London. I gave Neil both of your names as contacts to get the installation
process and any related contractual issues going. Neil promised me that
someone would be in contact with either me or one of you today. Please let
me know if someone has not contacted either of you in the next few days.

Thanks and regards,

Julie Pechersky
12/09/2000 14:02
To: John Greene/LON/ECT@ECT

Subject: Re: Autex London

I spoke with a Neil Allen with Autex about 2 weeks ago and asked him to call
you. I also sent him an email last week to find out if he had
contacted you yet but have gotten no response. I called the head of the
London Autex office who is Tony Booth but he is currently in Sweden.
I asked that either Neil or someone make contact with you as soon as
possible. Let me know if you do not hear from someone. The number
to the Autex office in London is 171 369 7103 and I believe that Neil Allen's
number is 207 369 7352.



John Greene
09/12/2000 02:39 AM
To: Julie Pechersky/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: Autex London


Have balls in the air with both Instinet and ITG. Thanks. Have not heard
anything from Autex, though. Can you please chase up with someone there for
me because I do not have a contact there.

Thanks and regards,