Enron Mail

To:leslie.hansen@enron.com, sara.shackleton@enron.com
Subject:Re: Southern Company confirms
Date:Thu, 6 Jul 2000 01:49:00 -0700 (PDT)

Kim and I discussed -- she wants guidance from legal. The process Southern
is advocating will not save her any time or paper, but she's not going to
stand in front of a moving train if this is what Enron wants to do and if
legal OKs it. Then Sara Shackleton was working w/ the financial confirm desk
(can't recall his name) and I have not been able to speak w/ Sara -- just
voicemails so far. I'd be happy for you to take this back if you'd like to
work on it as an infrastructure project. Perhaps we could let Sara know w/
whom she should coordinate on the physical/legal support team and we can
resolve this for Kim.

Assistant General Counsel, Enron North America Corp.
713-853-1794 (Fax: 713-646-4842)

Leslie Hansen
03/07/2000 11:06

To: Janice R Moore/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: Southern Company confirms


Did you ever discuss the Southern Company confirms with Kim Theriot? Let's
touch base on Wednesday to discuss. (I have a 9-10 am meeting and a doctor's
appt at 3 pm, but I'm available any time in between).

Hope you had a great long weekend!
