Enron Mail

Subject:CRE Resolution Encouraging the Use of Financially Settled Commodity
Date:Fri, 4 Aug 2000 07:00:00 -0700 (PDT)

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X-From: Sara Shackleton
X-To: Brent Hendry
X-Folder: \Sara_Shackleton_Dec2000_June2001_1\Notes Folders\Sent
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----- Forwarded by Sara Shackleton/HOU/ECT on 08/04/2000 02:00 PM -----

=09Rogelio L?pez Velarde <rlopezv@lvha.com.mx<
=0908/04/2000 02:52 PM
=09Please respond to Rogelio L?pez Velarde
=09=09 To: "Sara Shackleton" <Sara.Shackleton@enron.com<, "Shari Stack"=20
<sstack@ect.enron.com<, "Steve Van Hooser" <Steve.Van.Hooser@enron.com<
=09=09 cc:=20
=09=09 Subject: CRE Resolution Encouraging the Use of Financially Settled C=
Derivatives Transactions For Natural Gas Prices .


August 4, 2000.







To:????? Steven Van Hooser, Esq.???????????????? ??????????? Enron Capital =
Trade Resources

Shari Stack, Esq.????? ???????????=20

??????????? Sara Shackleton, Esq.


From:? Rogelio L?pez-Velarde

??????????? Sean McCoy=20


Re:????? CRE Resolution Encouraging the Use of Financially Settled Commodit=
Derivatives Transactions For Natural Gas=20
Prices? ??????????? ??????????? ??????????? ??????????? ??????????? ???????=
? ? .



The Energy Regulatory Commission (Comisi?n Reguladora de Energ?a) (=01&CRE=
published last Wednesday in the Federal Register a resolution by means of=
which the CRE encourages the use of financially settled commodity derivativ=
transactions (=01&Financial Instruments=018) to hedge the risk of the natur=
al gas=20
price variations in Mexico (the =01&CRE Resolution=018). Over-the-counter F=
Instruments transactions are being enticed by the CRE in light of the surge=
of natural gas prices[1]. It is expected that such derivatives market will =
expanded to other type of energy commodities, such as electric power.


Essentially, the CRE is encouraging the use of Financial Instruments by=20
giving a discount of the price index applicable for the month of August, 20=


The CRE Resolution provides in general terms that:


1. The Mexican Users[2] that are able to sign a Financial Instrument with=
Pemex-Gas y Petroqu?mica B?sica (=01&PGPB=018), or with any third party, be=
September 1, 2000, covering commodity prices fluctuations for the period of=
September 2000 thru February 2001, will benefit from a factor of at least=
0.75, which will be applied to the price of reference (i.e. $3.705 U.S.=20
Dollars per MMBtu), which results in a price of $2.7788 U.S. Dollars per=20
MMBtu, only during the month of August, 2000 (the =01&Discount Factor=018).


??????????? 2.Mexico=01,s Local Distribution Companies (=01&LDCs=018), that=
contracted Financial Instruments for their clients, shall passthrough to th=
Users the benefits resulting from the Discount Factor, only if such end use=
have previously agreed upon the rendering of such services.


??????????? 3. Needless to say, the price determination for the period of=
September 2000, thru February 2001, will be freely agreed upon between sell=
of the Financial Instruments, and the User or the LDC, as the case may be.



??????????????????????? ??????????????????????? ??????????????????????? ???=
????? Very truly yours,















































H:\jcc10\VARIOS\Futuros Gas\MM Futuros Gas.doc



[1]Domestic natural gas prices in Mexico are indexed to a liquid market in=
South Texas. Such index prices have increased in 43% during the period of=
May-June 2000, and in 89% from January-June 2000.

[2]As defined in the Natural Gas Regulations, =01&User=018 shall mean eithe=
r a=20
marketer or an end user.
- header.htm