Enron Mail

Subject:EOL Duke Deal - commercial resolution FOLLOWUP
Cc:gregory.carraway@enron.com, mark.taylor@enron.com, kevin.meredith@enron.com
Bcc:gregory.carraway@enron.com, mark.taylor@enron.com, kevin.meredith@enron.com
Date:Thu, 19 Oct 2000 03:55:00 -0700 (PDT)

John: The Duke issue has arisen once again in connection with the
settlements group. Did you ever resolve the issue?
Apparently, two (2) identical trades were executed online on 9/11/00, one at
1:14 pm and the second at 1:28 pm. Duke agrees wtih the first trade but not
the second. Please bring me up to date. Thanks. Sara
----- Forwarded by Sara Shackleton/HOU/ECT on 10/19/2000 10:48 AM -----

Sara Shackleton
09/28/2000 09:55 AM

To: John Arnold/HOU/ECT
cc: Kevin Meredith/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Larry Joe Hunter/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: EOL Duke Deal - commercial resolution FOLLOWUP

John: I spoke with Kevin Meredith this morning.

1) Trade Date was 9/11. EOL system generated confirm 9/12. All fax
attempts failed until 9/26 when fax went through.

2) EOL daily volume excessively heavy (approx. 1400 confirms per day). Duke
volume extremely heavy as well. All Duke faxing unsuccessful.

3) Duke called Kevin and said "haven't received any confirms since 9/14."
Kevin hand faxes all confirms since 9/14. Duke makes no mention of confirms
prior to 9/14. Confirm desk runs a "fax failed" report on 9/25 and picks up
the missing confirm.

4) When Duke receives EOL 415670, John Miller (who seems to be the TRADING
SUPERVISOR) calls Kevin (who signed confirm as agent) several times. Miller
says that he has spoken with the traders and no one did this deal. However,
this deal shows up on the "back office user."

Let me know if you need anything further. Kevin's number is 39555. Sara

----- Forwarded by Sara Shackleton/HOU/ECT on 09/28/2000 09:39 AM -----

Sara Shackleton
09/27/2000 07:06 PM

To: John Arnold/HOU/ECT
cc: Kevin Meredith/Corp/Enron@ENRON
Subject: EOL Duke Deal - commercial resolution

John: Per our conversation, attached is the copy of the Duke confirm. The
Duke trader is John Miller (713/260-6541).
I am told by our confirm desk that the faxing of the confirm was attempted on
September 11 and every day thereafter until September 26 when the Duke fax
lines were open. Upon receipt, John Miller called our confirm desk alleging
that he never did the deal (the EOL "back office user" shows that the trade
WAS done).
Please let me know if you need legal assistance.
Thanks. Sara
----- Forwarded by Sara Shackleton/HOU/ECT on 09/27/2000 06:59 PM -----

Kevin Meredith@ENRON
09/26/2000 02:09 PM

To: Sara Shackleton/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: EOL Duke Deal


The Duke trader that selected this deal is KRBARBER. This is how the
information shows up in the EOL server that I use.