In order to track the proliferation of electronic trading agreements,
licensing/software agreements and electronic platforms, we (Sam, Stephanie
and me) have established a "process" which includes the following:
1. sending immediate email to Ted Murphy, legal and credit (Bradford) from
the commercial group identifying the Enron party needing the agreement, and
necessity for agreement
2. depending on the type of agreement, credit may or may not need to get
3. the paralegals enter the agreement onto Lotus Notes so that we can track
the process.
4. upon execution, a copy of the agreement is kept in a red file (near Sam's
desk), a copy is sent to Ted Murphy, and the original is sent to global
To my knowledge, we have not established a procedure for tracking passwords
(to the extent required/changed).
I understand that Jason is handling three ENA weather license agreements for
you (Risk Management Solutions,Inc., Foresight Weather LLC and Air Worldwide
Weather). Jason has (or will have) access to Lotus Notes to enter his
Thanks. Sara