Enron Mail

Subject:Enron Forward
Date:Mon, 30 Oct 2000 02:02:00 -0800 (PST)

Mary: We have not tackled this version yet. Sara
----- Forwarded by Sara Shackleton/HOU/ECT on 10/30/2000 10:01 AM -----

"Franz, Philip" <pfranz@lehman.com<
10/27/2000 04:36 PM

To: "'Clint.Freeland@Enron.com'" <Clint.Freeland@Enron.com<,
"'Sara.Shackleton@Enron.com'" <Sara.Shackleton@Enron.com<
cc: "Rosica, Paul" <prosica@lehman.com<, "Karna, Angie" <AKarna@lehman.com<,
"Franz, Philip" <pfranz@lehman.com<
Subject: Enron Forward

Clint and Sara,
I have enclosed the revised confirm for your review - one blackline version
and one clean version - per Paul Rosica.



Enjoy your weekend.

Phil Franz
Transaction Management/Equity Derivatives
Lehman Brothers
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- ENRON.forward.10.26.00.blackline.doc
- ENRON.forward.10.26.00.clean.doc