Enron Mail

Subject:Executing Broker Agreement
Date:Fri, 2 Jun 2000 04:56:00 -0700 (PDT)

Susan: Please put in file and note changes on our paperwork. SS
ps Did the merger trigger anything in the agreement?
----- Forwarded by Sara Shackleton/HOU/ECT on 06/02/2000 11:52 AM -----

=09Sheila Glover
=0906/02/2000 09:15 AM
=09=09 To: Sara Shackleton/HOU/ECT@ECT
=09=09 cc: Ted Murphy/HOU/ECT@ECT, John Greene/HOU/ECT@ECT, Theresa T=20
=09=09 Subject: Executing Broker Agreement

ECTI has a broker Agreement in place with Furman Selz (as listed on the=20
"Brokerage Agreements" schedule,
We should change name to ING Baring Furman Selz LLC . Thanks. Sheila

In October 1997, Furman Selz LLC was acquired by ING Group, N.V., a global
financial institution of Dutch origin which is activ=
in the fields of banking, insurance
and asset management.

On July 1, 1998 the U.S. broker dealers of ING Barin=
and Furman Selz were

The merger of the two broker dealers allows the=20
U.S.-based securities businesses
of ING Barings and Furman Selz to operate the tradin=
research, sales, corporate
finance and prime brokerage businesses as one entity=
The combined company
operates under the legal name ING Baring Furman Selz=
LLC and is part of the
global ING Barings organization.

ING Group is the largest financial services group in=
the Netherlands and the third
largest financial institution in Europe. ING Group h=
total assets of US$440
billion, shareholder equity of US$30 billion, and=20
81,000 employees in 60
countries. ING Group has credit ratings of Aa2 from=
Moody=01,s Investor Services
and AA- from Standard & Poor=01,s.

ING Group acquired Furman Selz in order to increase=
further the U.S. equity
market presence of ING Barings, the international=20
corporate and investment
banking division of ING Group.

ING Barings is one of the world=01,s major corporate=
investment banking
operations, with an extensive international network=
and memberships in over 60
stock, futures and commodities exchanges around the=
world. Its head office is in
London and its principal regional offices in New Yor=
and Hong Kong. Today,
ING Barings has over 9,000 staff around the world wi=
offices in over 50
countries: of these, 25 are in the emerging markets =
Africa, Asia, Eastern
Europe, India and Latin America.

The websites of ING Barings and Furman Selz are=20
currently being revised to
reflect the acquisition and subsequent merger.

Until these changes are made, please continue to use=
this website to learn about
our current financial services in the U.S.. To learn=
more about the international
corporate and investment banking activities of ING=
Barings, please go to
The Total Prime Brokerage Solution / Basic &=