Enron Mail

Subject:Fwd:Re:FW: RE: swap docs
Date:Wed, 29 Sep 1999 02:02:00 -0700 (PDT)

---------------------- Forwarded by Sara Shackleton/HOU/ECT on 09/29/99 09:02
AM ---------------------------

"Hoang Quan Vu" <hvu@mayerbrown.com< on 09/29/99 02:01:20 AM
To: Sara Shackleton/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: Fwd:Re:FW: RE: swap docs

See attached.

____________________Forward Header_____________________
Subject: Re:FW: RE: swap docs
Author: Hoang Quan Vu
Date: 9/29/99 1:04 AM

I have sent the ISDA schedule to Barclays for their review as there are a few
issues that Barclays needs to respond to before I can forward the document to
Enron (the email is being sent separately by my word processing staff). I am
confirming whether Credit Lyonnais is handling the schedule themselves since
that was my impression when talking to Daryl Stanley, although that was before
getting this email (however, if MBP is handling the schedule for both banks,
schedules will be identical except as to the Tax representations, so the
negotiation of one schedule will make the other schedule easy to complete).

Daryl or Ricardo, can one of you confirm?


____________________Reply Separator____________________
Subject: FW: RE: swap docs
Author: <George.McKean@barclayscapital.com<
Date: 9/28/99 11:50 PM

Louie - FYI

contact names to send swap docs to.

make sure Quan gets them as well.


< -----Original Message-----
< From: McKean, George: Origination (NYK)
< Sent: Tuesday, September 28, 1999 5:44 PM
< To: 'Hoang Quan Vu'; Ed Wood (E-mail)
< Cc: Yu, David: Origination (NYK); Bellissimo, Dean: Sales (NYK)
< Subject: RE: RE: swap docs
< Quan,
< Sara Shakelton at Enron will call to discuss the schedule to the ISDA (do
< not have her number - the main number at Enron is 713 853 6161). Louie
< indicated that she has asked Sara to send you a copy of an existing
< schedule we have agreed with Enron for another ISDA.
< Barclays Swap contact is Kathleen Yohe (I understand that she forwarded
< our standard schedule to someone in your office but she couldn't recall
< who). Her e-mail is kathleen.yohe@barcap.com
< The contact at Cr. Lyonnais is Rick Gomes - his e-mail is
< ricardo.gomes@clamericas.com
< Can you talk with Sara on the Schedule and forward to Kathleen and Rick
< for their review.
< thanks,
< George
< kathleen.yohe@barcap.com
< ricardo.gomes@clamericas.com
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