Enron Mail

Subject:ISDA Master Agreements
Date:Tue, 26 Sep 2000 05:46:00 -0700 (PDT)

Brent: will you please respond to Martin. Thanks. SS
----- Forwarded by Sara Shackleton/HOU/ECT on 09/26/2000 12:45 PM -----

Martin Rosell
09/26/2000 12:21 PM

To: Sara Shackleton/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: ISDA Master Agreements


It has been agreed between ENA, ECTRIC and the c/p referred to below to, by
way of novation, replace ECTRIC with ENA in a weather transaction. Pls
advise me of any particular form used in Houston for the purpose of such
novation. Tks.

---------------------- Forwarded by Martin Rosell/OSL/ECT on 2000-09-26 19:21

Catherine Woolgar
2000-09-26 16:34
To: Martin Rosell/OSL/ECT@ECT

Subject: ISDA Master Agreements

---------------------- Forwarded by Catherine Woolgar/OSL/ECT on 26/09/2000
16:34 ---------------------------

Enron Capital & Trade Resources Corp.

From: allan.roopan@socgen.com 26/09/2000 10:53

To: Steven.Vu@enron.com, Catherine.Woolgar@enron.com
cc: michel.queruel@socgen.com, oriane.cheneau@socgen.com

Subject: ISDA Master Agreements

Steve, Catherine,

Please have your legal teams for ENA and ECTRIC speed up the process to put
two ISDA Master agreements in place.
That should avoid future problems with documenting our trades.

Thank you in advance.
----- Forwarded by Oriane CHENEAU/barep/fr/socgen on 26/09/2000 10:43 -----
| | Oriane |
| | |
| | 25/09/2000 |
| | 14:20 |
| | |

| To:
Steven.Vu@enron.com@internet |
cc: |
| Subject: ISDA Master Agreement between BAREP and
Enron |


Dear Steven:

Since this last e.mail below, I have no news from your legal department. Could
you please tell to me what is going on?

I am looking forward to sending to you our draft of ISDA Master Agreement.

Best Regards.

----- Forwarded by Oriane CHENEAU/barep/fr/socgen on 25/09/2000 14:17 -----
| | Oriane CHENEAU|
| | |
| | 07/09/2000 |
| | 15:22 |
| | |


| |
| To:
Steven.Vu@enron.com@internet |
cc: |
| Subject: Re: (Document link: Oriane



Oriane Ch,neau
Legal counsel

tel: 33 1 53 32 91 52
fax: 33 1 53 32 91 21

Thank you.

| | Steven.Vu@enr|
| | on.com |
| | |
| | 07/09/2000 |
| | 15:18 |
| | |


| |
| To: Oriane CHENEAU/barep/fr/socgen@socgen
cc: |
Subject: |



One more thing, could you please e-mail me all of your contact information? I
would like to forward this to our legal team here in Houston.



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