Enron Mail

Subject:Project Ghost
Date:Wed, 15 Dec 1999 07:08:00 -0800 (PST)

This is scheduled to close on Friday (don't know what time). It's Gareth's
deal. Enron Corp. is swap CP with a trust. Don't know who is signing for
Enron Corp. Please C me to discuss and raise logistical issues. Thanx. SS
---------------------- Forwarded by Sara Shackleton/HOU/ECT on 12/15/99 03:06
PM ---------------------------

"DALLAS GUEST ACCOUNT #2" <DGUEST2@andrews-kurth.com< on 12/15/99 11:43:51 AM
To: Catherine Clark/HOU/ECT@ECT, Carol St Clair/HOU/ECT@ECT, Donald W
Herrick/HOU/ECT@ECT, Gareth Bahlmann/HOU/ECT@ECT, Alicia
Goodrow/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Sara Shackleton/HOU/ECT@ECT,
Vbuckley@lockeliddell.com, mniebruegge@mayerbrown.com, pbrito@mayerbrown.com,
eawilburn@prickett.com, Tamullen@prickett.com, Facciolo@rlf.com,
Kenton@rlf.com, clint.carlin@us.arthurandersen.com, schottla@us.cibc.com,
wolfmark@us.cibc.com, Jlawler@wilmingtontrust.com
cc: "DAVID BARBOUR" <BARBD@andrews-kurth.com<, "DALLAS GUEST ACCOUNT #2"
<DGUEST2@andrews-kurth.com<, "DAVID GROVE" <GROVD@andrews-kurth.com<,
"DEBORAH LOWE" <LOWED@andrews-kurth.com<, "SCOTT OLSON"
<OLSOS@andrews-kurth.com<, "TOM POPPLEWELL" <POPPT@andrews-kurth.com<,
"MARTHA WELMAKER" <WELMM@andrews-kurth.com<
Subject: Project Ghost

Attached in Word are blacklines of the following documents marked to show
changes from the previous version distributed:

1. Facility Agreement;
2. Trust Agreement;
3. Swap Schedule;
4. Swap Confirmation;
5. G-Present LLC Agreement;
6. G-Past LLC Agreement;
7. G-Future LLC Agreement;
8. Put Option Agreement;
9. Put Option Assignment; and
10. Notice of Assignment.

Please call me with any questions or comments. Please note that I will be
in our Houston office on Thursday and Friday. You may reach me in Houston at
(713) 220-4200; (713) 220-4285 (fax).

Danny Sullivan
Andrews & Kurth L.L.P.
(214) 659-4409 (Dallas Phone)
(214) 659-4401 (Dallas Fax)

- 221589.doc
- 221586.doc
- 221581.doc
- 221592.doc
- 221606.doc
- 221602.doc
- 221603.doc
- 221604.doc
- 221605.doc
- 221599.doc