Enron Mail

Subject:RE: KCS
Cc:marshall.eubank@enron.com, mary.cook@enron.com, derek.bailey@enron.com
Bcc:marshall.eubank@enron.com, mary.cook@enron.com, derek.bailey@enron.com
Date:Wed, 30 May 2001 10:02:00 -0700 (PDT)

Just spoke with Chris. You should speak with Marshall Eubank to get details
of the VPP and reasons why this pre-VPP structure was required.

Sara Shackleton
Enron North America Corp.
1400 Smith Street, EB 3801a
Houston, Texas 77002
713-853-5620 (phone)
713-646-3490 (fax)

Stanley Farmer/ENRON@enronXgate
05/30/2001 04:29 PM

To: Sara Shackleton/HOU/ECT@ECT
cc: Cris Sherman/ENRON@enronXgate
Subject: RE: KCS

Just want to make sure than the notional quantities will be equal to 97% of
the scheduled production for the VPP.

-----Original Message-----
From: Sherman, Cris
Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2001 3:55 PM
To: Farmer, Stanley
Subject: FW: KCS

-----Original Message-----
From: Anderson, Diane
Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2001 2:34 PM
To: Bailey, Derek; Cook, Mary; Sherman, Cris; Eubank, Marshall; Bushman,
Cc: Shackleton, Sara
Subject: KCS

Attached is the redline redraft for the KCS trades (the terms will apply to
both confirms). Please
acknowledge your issues/consent to Sara.

---------------------- Forwarded by Diane Anderson/NA/Enron on 05/30/2001
02:31 PM ---------------------------
From: Sara Shackleton@ECT on 05/30/2001 02:28 PM
To: Diane Anderson/NA/Enron@Enron

Subject: KCS

<< File: KCSEnergyMarketingR2.doc <<

Sara Shackleton
Enron North America Corp.
1400 Smith Street, EB 3801a
Houston, Texas 77002
713-853-5620 (phone)
713-646-3490 (fax)