Enron Mail

Subject:RE: Revised Transfer and Assumption Agreement
Date:Fri, 16 Mar 2001 09:50:00 -0800 (PST)

---------------------- Forwarded by Sara Shackleton/HOU/ECT on 03/16/2001
05:50 PM ---------------------------

kpolozie@mwe.com@mwe.com on 03/16/2001 02:33:40 PM
To: "Yaish, Yair (OGC)" <YYaish@exchange.ml.com<
cc: Janice.R.Moore@enron.com, sshackl@enron.com, TeiglandL@sullcrom.com,
gilbergd@sullcrom.com, ppantano@mwe.com, rpaul@mwe.com, daron@mwe.com,
darezina@mwe.com, "McMurray, Locke (OGC)" <LMcMurray@exchange.ml.com<
Subject: RE: Revised Transfer and Assumption Agreement

Ladies and Gentlemen:

Attached please find the revised Transfer and Assumption Agreement. Please
disregard the earlier version, a rider send from Enron was inadvertently
omitted. Please note that the signature pages are now ready for signing, for
those who wish to sign and hold the pages in escrow. I have enclosed a
blackline against both the version sent earlier today and the version sent
night for your convenience. Please not that this agreement is being sent to
parties simultaneously, thus there may be further comments.

Best regards,


Katarina B. Polozie
McDermott, Will & Emery
(202) 756-8130
(See attached file: WDC99_406379_1.DOC)

(See attached file: WDC99_406261_2.DOC)

(See attached file: WDC99_406382_1.DOC)


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For more information on McDERMOTT, WILL & EMERY please visit our website at:

- WDC99_406379_1.DOC
- WDC99_406261_2.DOC
- WDC99_406382_1.DOC