Enron Mail

Subject:Re: Corp Prepay
Cc:cathy.moehlman@enron.com, robert.bruce@enron.com
Bcc:cathy.moehlman@enron.com, robert.bruce@enron.com
Date:Tue, 28 Nov 2000 02:32:00 -0800 (PST)


Please add "Robert Bruce" to the distribution list (either Bob or I will be
available to assist from ENA legal). Also, please keep Cathy Moehlman (ENA
Treasury - X33353) in the loop as she calls us for information that we may
not have. Thanks. Sara

Treasa Kirby
11/28/2000 09:38 AM

To: Mark Evans/Legal/LON/ECT@ECT, Marcus Von Bock Und Polach/LON/ECT@ECT,
Sara Shackleton/HOU/ECT@ECT
cc: Paul Chivers/LON/ECT@ECT
Subject: Corp Prepay

As you are aware TD were concerned about the basis risk embedded in the
prepaid swap structure . They plan to hedge their Enron exposure by buying
credit default swaps in the market. However under credit default swaps, only
a default on debt as defined by GAAP is included as a credit event, and
swaps are excluded from this definition . This basis risk therefore occurs
where Enron defaults on the oil swap but has not defaulted on any debt. This
does not trigger a payout to TD under their credit protection, their recourse
will then be through the Corp guarantee with time delays.

To mitigate that risk it was proposed that in the event of an Enron default
under the prepaid swap, the MTM termination value of the swap would be
converted into a loan and Enron would automatically default on that loan.
TD's counsel came back late on Friday to say that they could not give a clean
legal opinion on this structure.

We therefore proposed an alternative structure which involves TD and Enron
entering into a loan of $10.1m at the same time as the swap is executed. This
loan will be in the name of Enron Corp. In the event of an Enron default on
the prepaid swap, this will cross default into the $10.1m loan and that
forms the required trigger for TD's credit default swaps. The lawyers
signed off on this last night and Norton Rose are now preparing the loan
They are basing it on the May 2000, 364 day Enron Corp facility and we are
expecting first draft tomorrow. I will forward this to you when I receive it.

The deal itself is still undefined as TD have credit approval subject to
presyndicating the loan to two other banks and putting a certain level of
credit protection in place prior to executing the trade.
The confirm/term sheet has not changed from two weeks ago and I have
forwarded Sara's comments to TD but their focus has been on getting credit
approval rather than docs until today. We have not sent a confirm to Morgan
Stanley yet as we plan to replicate whatever confirm we agree with TD.

I will keep you informed as to TD's progress.
