Enron Mail

Subject:Re: FX Product
Date:Thu, 14 Dec 2000 08:40:00 -0800 (PST)


Thanks for the update. Gary Hickerson wants this product available on EOL=
now (which explains why I am called daily by the trading desk). Do you kno=
when a decision on the Japanese FX principal will be forthcoming?


=0912/14/2000 03:56 PM
=09=09 To: Sara Shackleton/HOU/ECT@ECT
=09=09 cc: Janine Juggins/LON/ECT@ECT, Melba Lozano/HOU/ECT@ECT, William=20
Stuart/HOU/ECT@ECT, Steve Jacobellis/NA/Enron@Enron@ECT, Jeff=20
Blumenthal/HOU/ECT@ECT, Rhett Jackson/HOU/ECT@ECT
=09=09 Subject: Re: FX Product


Attached are two e-mails that I sent yesterday and today on the Japanese FX=
trader. In short, we are pursuing the dependent agency approach. The=20
specifics are set forth in the e-mails.

Please let me know if you have any questions or need any additional=20

Best regards,

Susan Musch
12/14/2000 09:46 AM
cc: Jan-Erland Bekeng/AP/Enron@Enron, Sheila Glover@ECT, Darren Delage@Enro=
Sayers@ECT (bcc: Susan Musch/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT)

Subject: FX Trader in Tokyo =20


In response to your attached e-mail, I am attaching the e-mail message that=
sent out yesterday regarding the structure for the FX trader in Tokyo and t=
EM-Japan traders. (You were already copied on this but I want to make sure=
that you got it.) =20

In this e-mail, I explain that PWC-Tokyo has recommended following a=20
dependent agent approach for these traders (which is what you reference in=
your attached e-mail). I recommend this approach saying that it is a=20
pragmatic approach and should be easily implemented. I talked with Sheila=
Glover and Darren Delage about this approach yesterday evening and they lik=
it as well. (In fact, they were also copied on the e-mail regarding the FX=
trader and the EM-Japan traders.)

The following points should be kept in mind in following the dependent agen=
approach, which I have already discussed with Sheila and Darren:

(1) Agency approach: Enron Japan would be considered to be an agent of ENA=
. =20
In this role, it would facilitate trades that would be entered into between=
ENA and the third party counterparties. The trades would be entered into i=
the name of ENA. Under this approach, Darren is limited in what he is=20
authorized to do, and his trading parameters will need to be reduced to=20
writing. These parameters must restrict his activities so that they=20
constitute activities that have a preparatory or auxiliary character. The=
advice that we received for the FX trader's activities in Australia should=
equally apply to our facts here. The following is an excerpt from a memo=
that I wrote last year summarizing this advice:

Guidelines and boundaries must be established on what the financial trader=
can do (e.g. price parameters, product parameters, etc.). Activities cannot=
include the negotiation of terms of master contracts, forwards and other=20
derivatives with counterparties. If a master contract must be executed in=
Australia, then it should be executed by an independent agent (such as a=20
lawyer) having a power of attorney from the hedging party. Confirmations=20
should be issued by the hedging party, rather than by EA Finance in Sydney.=
The Australian tax advisor recommended that the financial trader say: =01&=
principal will deal with you within these parameters =01(.=018

(2) Darren's employment: Darren must be considered an employee of Enron=20
Japan so as to avoid ENA being treated as having a permanent establishment =
(3) Darren's agency role: Darren should not identify himself as an employe=
of ENA Houston. He should make it clear that the third parties are enterin=
into the transactions with ENA as principal.
(4) Service agreement: A service agreement must be put in place between=20
Enron Japan and ENA (similar to what we did for the FX trader in Sydney).=
Enron Japan should at least initially be compensated at a cost plus 5%=20
mark-up. Yesterday evening I also forwarded to Sheila and Darren by e-mail=
the old service agreement that we put in place for the FX trader in Sydney =
that they could review what terms have been previously used. (Incidentally=
the service agreement we put in place between Enron Australia and ENA was=
very similar (almost identical) to the one that was put in place between=20
Enron Europe and ENA for the FX trader in London.)
(5) Potential issues upon Japanese tax audit: Notwithstanding that this=20
approach is easier to implement, more workable and more pragmatic in=20
approach, we need to be aware that there could be questions upon a Japanese=
tax audit. In that event, transfer pricing issues could be raised. That i=
the auditors could question whether a cost plus 5% mark-up is commensurate=
with what an unrelated third party would charge for similar services. We=
would then need to justify that service fee, or if unsuccessful, try to wor=
out a commission fee that would be acceptable to the Japanese tax auditors.=
Management needs to be aware of this potential.

I guess I wasn't clear in my attached e-mail. I am sorry for any=20
inconvenience this may have caused you. I hope this e-mail better explains=
the recommended structure. Please let me know if you would like to set up =
conference call to discuss this further (and let me know who you would like=
on the call).

Best regards,

Susan Musch
12/13/2000 06:07 PM
To: Jan-Erland Bekeng/AP/Enron@ENRON
cc: Jane McBride@Enron, Tina Ward@ECT, Paul Simons@ECT, Alan Aronowitz@ECT,=
Rod Sayers@ECT, Janine Juggins@ECT, Heidi=20
Sheila Glover@ECT, Darren Delage@Enron (bcc: Susan Musch/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT)

Subject: Enron Metals & FX Traders in Japan =20


I have not yet received the 2001 projections/budget for the Enron Metals=20
trading in Japan. If you have already sent it, could you please re-send it=
? =20

Also, I talked with PWC-Tokyo late last night about structuring for the FX=
trader and Japanese Metals traders to confirm Baker & McKenzie's advice on=
not using a dependent agent structure in Japan. PWC has advised that=20
although Baker & McKenzie's approach is more technically correct, foreign=
traders usually set up their Japanese trading operations through the use of=
dependent agent in Japan. The Japanese dependent agent is usually reimburs=
using cost plus 5%, at least initially. Then, if the Japanese tax=20
authorities raise questions upon audit, a commission arrangement is general=
used, with the question being what should the profit split be between the=
agent and the foreign company. Whether the Japanese tax authorities raise=
questions upon audit is dependent upon the volume of trades and the magnitu=
of the trades. The PWC Japanese tax partner suggested that we use this=20
arrangement for both the FX trader and the EM Japan trades. I have asked P=
to send this advice in writing by tomorrow.

This seems to be a much more pragmatic approach than the one suggested by=
Baker & McKenzie. And it should be easy to implement by year-end. However=
management must be aware of the fact that PWC's approach could raise=20
questions upon a Japanese tax audit. Note that if we follow this approach,=
we would need to set up a services agreement between Enron Japan (whichever=
the appropriate entity is) and ENA.

Please let me know if you have any questions or need any additional=20

Best regards,

12/13/2000 08:38 PM
cc: Jan-Erland Bekeng/AP/Enron@Enron=20

Subject: Re: Japanese Financial Subsidiary =20

Thanks for the note Susan. Like you, I would love to get the funding resolv=
before year-end as we have finalised the amounting owing to Houston etc=20
(subject to some invoices etc being received) so it would be a good time to=
get this done.=20

Re the FX trader, I have been harassing Sheila a bit this week, so I was=20
hoping to hear from you or her on the progress here. At this stage I=20
understand that the deals are still being done in the name of ENA, but ther=
have not been alot, so again if we can get this addressed before the volume=
grows it would be best for all. I was reviewing this matter with JEB=20
yesterday and he indicated that his preference is for an agency style=20
agreement which avoids the need for the back to back deals.=20

With thanks

Heidi Mason=20
Chief Financial Officer
Enron Australia

From: Sara Shackleton@ECT on 12/14/2000 01:22 PM
To: Janine Juggins/LON/ECT@ECT, Susan=20
cc: Melba Lozano/HOU/ECT@ECT, William Stuart/HOU/ECT@ECT, Steve=20
Jacobellis/NA/Enron@Enron, Jeff Blumenthal/HOU/ECT@ECT, Rhett=20

Subject: Re: FX Product


Thanks for the update. Any word on the Japanese FX desk principal? Sara
----- Forwarded by Sara Shackleton/HOU/ECT on 12/14/2000 01:23 PM -----

=09Janine Juggins
=0912/13/2000 04:04 PM
=09=09 To: Sara Shackleton/HOU/ECT@ECT
=09=09 cc: Jeff Blumenthal/HOU/ECT@ECT, Rhett Jackson/HOU/ECT@ECT, Melba=20
=09=09 Subject: Re: FX Product

Your summary is correct based on information to date (in this regard the=20
agreement between ENA and EEFT still requires amendment in respect of RMT a=
I undertake to get this done).=20

However, please note that there have been some last minute changes in the=
Japanese tax advice, received I understand only as of last night. Susan Mus=
will be following up on these changes at a meeting today with Sheila Glover=
and Darren Delage, and has undertaken to keep you appraised of the position=
The effect of the change would be to permit RMT to be the principal for the=
Japanese FX desk, with a Japanese entity acting as agent to arrange the=20

Best regards

From: Sara Shackleton on 13/12/2000 13:52 CST
To: Janine Juggins/LON/ECT@ECT
cc: Jeff Blumenthal/HOU/ECT@ECT, Rhett Jackson/HOU/ECT@ECT, Melba=20

Subject: FX Product


With respect to the attached (internal) FX product for EOL, I just wanted t=
verify with you that internal counterparties should transact on EOL with:

(1) RMT (as principal for Houston FX desk)

(2) EEFT as agent for RMT (as principal for London FX desk). In this=20
regard, was the services agreement between ENA and EEFT ever extended to=20
include RMT for internal trades?=20

(3) Enron Japan Corp. (as principal for Tokyo FX desk)

There appears to be some confusion since our meeting of November 3. Thanks=
. =20
----- Forwarded by Sara Shackleton/HOU/ECT on 12/13/2000 11:22 AM -----

=09Melba Lozano
=0912/11/2000 05:59 PM
=09=09 To: Sara Shackleton/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mark Taylor/HOU/ECT@ECT
=09=09 cc: Robert B Cass/HOU/ECT@ECT, Steve Jacobellis/NA/Enron@Enron, Kevi=
Meredith/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Steve Jacobellis/NA/Enron@Enron
=09=09 Subject: FX Product

Sara / Mark,

I need an approval as soon as possible from you for the FX Description=20
attached. Steve Jacobellis is requesting that this gets out on the web as=
soon as possible. =20

Thank you,

---------------------- Forwarded by Melba Lozano/HOU/ECT on 12/11/2000 05:5=
PM ---------------------------

From: Melba Lozano =
11/30/2000 06:41 PM=09
=09 =20

To: Sara Shackleton/HOU/ECT@ECT, William Stuart/HOU/ECT@ECT
cc: Robert B Cass/HOU/ECT@ECT=20
Subject: FX Product

Sara: Please approve on the attached language for the FX Product.

William: There is a gap between hour ending 3:00 and 4:00 . Do you want t=
go ahead and set up Central time to trade until Hour Ending 4:00? Please l=
me know. =20

Thank you,
